A Mended heart

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The next morning

Sam's POV

I wake up with my head on Dolph's lap and Dolph's hand around my waste I look at the clock shit its 9:30 I have to be at the arena at 10:30 for more training I kiss Dolph's head and say wake up I have to head to the arena for training you wanna come with I ask he rubs his eyes and says sure I see summer coming in dancing why you so happy I ask smiling oh not a reason just the one and only dean Ambrose asked me out on a date she squeals I jump on and jump on her and we start happy dancing yay I scream well we gotta get ready Dolph gives me a show off shirt I take some scissors and cut it into a belly shirt and then I put on my neon pink skiny cut up jeans and I put my hair in pihlg tales kinda like how aj wares here's I put on simple make up and then I walk out of the bathroom and see Dolph his mouth drops open wow you look amazing he says and blushes thanks I say blushing I feel like we are dating I say to my self we then walk out to my truck and it took 30 mins to get there we then arrive and we head to the training and exercise area I do about 120 situps and 40 push ups I take a dumb bell and do 30 of them then I get on a tread mill and put my head phones in and run for about a hour in a half when that's done i turn around and I see Dolph reading a teen magazine I walk up to him and take the magazine away from him hey what was that for he asked oh nothing I say laughing I grab Dolph's arm and I drag him to the Catering to go find summer I spotted her in by the coffee machine come on Danielle I say let's go see a movie what movie she asks umm let's go see dumb and dumber too I say so then we all head to the movies and we get our tickets and get our snacks and get seated a 2 hours later the movie is over we get out at one and non of us can stop laughing oh my lord that movie was so funny I was laughing so hard I stated crying yeah I know right Dolph says after the movie we head to the hotel the 3 of us turn on the TV and watch the wwe network for only 9.99 you can watch the wwe network for just As John cena says it I copy him don't say it don't you date summer says for just 9.99 I say laughing we watched it for about 2 hours it was 4pm after words I'm going to make dinner I say or should we order pizza we all say pizza jinx you all owe me a soda Dolph says laughing I throw a pillow at him shut up you wish I laugh I call the pizza guy and we order too large stuffed crust pizzas he said it would be here in 45 mins tell then I took out my book and read if I stay then we hear a knock at the door I'll get it screamed summer she goes to the door and pays the pizza guy we all eat and we play truth or dare who wants to go first

Summer: Sam truth or dare

Sam: dare

Summer I dare you to do a front flip in the house

Okay easy peasy I say smiling I do my front flip done I say giggling

Summer your turn says sam

Sam truth or dare Dolph

Dolph truth

Sam hmmm do you love me

Dolph yes of course

Sam summer truth of dare

Summer truth

Sam how old were you when you got into wwe

Summer 27

We played for two hours

Then it was time for smack Done we watched our self on the TV till 9 then we went to bed summer didn't wanna go home so we all stayed at my house me and Dolph cuddled up and summer slept on the couch I can finely say I have a mended heart I fall asleep smiling

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