The Sacrifice

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Warnings: Grief, Death
Prompt: The administrator had grown tired of fighting. It was so bland, so boring. Then she had an idea. A terrible, terrible idea.

You wake up and check your alarm clock. It's 6:00 am, 30 minutes earlier than usual. You yawn and get out of bed. By the time everyone else woke up, you were already ready for the day. "RED team, please come up to the fighting arena." Everyone sighed, but you. Just the RED team? What about the BLU team? You think with confusion. But you snap out of it quickly as your crush walks by. Spy. You can tell it's him for he practically bathes in the smell of cigarettes. You walk away towards the arena.
Time skip
As everyone arrives, the administrator separates everyone into twos. You just so happen to be with Spy. "(Y/N)." The sound of his voice was enough to melt you alone. "Spy." The thing is, you had never really talked to him before. You were too shy, and he was always in his room, doing something (use your imagination). "Is everyone in pairs?" The administrator questioned. You all nod, though she can't see you. "Good, now, let me explain what is happening. I have become... Some what bored with just you against the other team. So, I thought I would try something more.... Interesting.." The realization dawns apon you as you look at Spy in fear. "I have put you in pairs, because I want to see what would happen if you were to fight against the ones you love." It all makes sense now; Medic was with Heavy, Engineer with Soldier, and you with Spy. "What? But me and (Y/N) barely know eachother! We've never even-" Your silent tears turn into sobs as Spy stops and looks at you. "S-Sorry, Spy." You apologize. "You can't just do this! What if we refuse? Then what?" Demo questions. "Then I'll kill all of you." Out of options, you all silently pick up your weapons. You look at Spy. He looks at you. "S-so.." You start, still shaken and crying. "P-promise you won't go easy on me?" He looks shocked. "But-"
"No. It's either I die or you, so might as well try, right?" He nod solemnly and brings out his butterfly knife. "Ready?" He asks. You nod, still sobbing. "Let's just get this over with." You wipe away your tears and charge at Spy, knife in hand. He charges at you. You start off by attempting to slice his chest. He dodges it swiftly, but gets a cut on his face. You step back as he starts to slash you. The more he repeats, your attacks and dodges become more sloppy. "I don't want to do this anymore, (Y/N)." You look at him and pause. "No.. It's either one or all, and I would much prefer one." He sighs. A few minutes pass, and your both covered in cuts and bruises. Mostly you. You let them happen. You can't fight him. You love him. You... Love him. You know what to do. You charge at him one more time, him doing the same. However, you don't attack, he does. Stabbing his knife through you, he looks at you, shocked. He pulls it out, as you fall to the ground. Blood pours out of your body as Spy throws his knife into a corner and crouches besides you quickly. "(Y/N)..." Everything slowly begins to fade as you look up to him. "S-sorry, again." You mutter. "For what?"
"Not trying." He looks at you in the eyes. "Please, this- this isn't- you can't..." You're not sure if your eyes are playing tricks on you or he's actually tearing up. Either way, you lift up your hand and stroke his face as he holds it with both of his gloved hands. "We can get you to Medic, he can fix you-"
"He's dead." You point to the mourning heavy as he cries over Medics corpse. "No, (Y/N), I can't just let you go, I've only just met you!" You chuckle. "Sorry, Spy." Losing your last bit of power, you kiss him, and fall to the floor. "Mon amour, au revoir." You whisper, as you fade away into darkness.

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