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Warnings: Depression, angst
Prompt: You and Dell have been close friends for ages, and you were excited to fight along side him when he joined the RED team. But when he forgets about you, you don't know how to react.
Reader notes: Reader is gender-ambiguous (their gender is never mentioned). Reader was hired before Engineer. They suffer from depression (presumably).

(2nd PoV)
"Hey Dell, you excited? Fired up?"

"I'm nervous, if anything hon. Also, call me Engineer in the battlefield if you please-? It seems everyone goes by their class names here, even you, (class name)."

"That's true I suppose. Also don't worry, you'll be great Dell!"

He sighed, a gentle smile forming on his face. You understood his feelings, though you clearly didn't feel the same. After all, you had been working as a mercenary for a couple years, and he had just joined.


"Thanks, (class name)."


"No problem, Engineer."

(Time Skip)
Your team had won the match overall (1:3) and the others on your team were cheerfully walking back to base. Once you had dusted yourself off, you quickly searched for your Texan friend, soon finding him walking on his own.


He quickly turned his head to face you and smiled, wiping a stray bead of sweat off his forehead.

"You did great out there Engie!"

"Ah, not as great as you, (N/n). I knew you were good, but that was impressive as hell!'

You giggle lightly at his flattery. You had a crush on him, but you were too embarrassed to tell him. Maybe if you just stayed close with him, he would ask you out?

After spacing out, you quickly run to catch up with your close friend.

(Time Skip)
It had been a week or so and Engineer had already become good pals with everyone. It made sense, he was a rather helpful and friendly man, so it was expected of him to make connections quick.

"Hey, are you free today? It's out off day and I saw this cool restaurant nearby..!"

"Ah, sorry sweetheart, but me and Soldier are going out (not in that way) today to this bar he wanted to show me. Sorry-!"

It seemed he already had plans today. Good for him you suppose, it's good for him to become closer with the others.

"Oh okay, that's fine! What about tomorrow?"

He looked apologetically at you and sighed, his answer clear.

"Miss Pauling told me she'd need me to help her with some practical work tomorrow, and I have no idea how long that'll take.... Sorry (N/n)."

"What about-"

"Sorry (Y/n), but I think I'll be busy this entire week! My hands are full for the foreseeable future."

You knew you were supposed to be happy about him making friends and having fun on the job, but you couldn't help but feel at least a little disheartened upon hearing his full schedule.

Nevertheless, you smiled through your disappointment and waved it off.

"It's okay, we can just meet up some other time!"

(Time Skip (at least a couple more weeks))
It had been at least a month since that conversation, and another couple weeks after that since you and Dell had hung out alone together. You really missed talking to him, and only him. But he seemed so happy with the others. It was a little hurtful that he was perfectly fine with letting go of all the times you would spend time with each other, just the two of you.

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