what do you want shitty hair

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"Use these last 15 minutes to revise, study or whatever you want really. Just don't destroy anything and no quirks." Aizawa said already half asleep fucked snugly into his sleeping bag.
Pfft. Like I need to revise. I've already got that sorted. But now I have 15 minute to kill before the weekend.
"Hey Bakubro! Got to say that you were looked very strong and really manly in quirk training today. That move you pulled was insane." Kirishima said pulling out a chair and plonking it down on the other side of my desk. He sat down casually stretching out his arms towards me resting them lightly on the wooden desk. I don't get why he needs to use the word 'manly' all the time. Or call me 'bakubro' I would prefer almost anything over it. It's not like I can tell him why I have so much. That conversation would be so freaking awkward like Hey Kirishima it's me one of your closest friends! Guess what instead of being the super 'manly' and strong guy I'm actually a girl! Yep I was born as a goddamn fucking guy by accident so could you not call me 'manly' continuously or 'bakubro' also it makes you seem like an annoying puppy the way your always panting and slobbering with compliments at my heels. Ugh not like he'd understand probably just tell everyone and I'd be a laughing stock. The big bad bakugou actually likes to wear girl clothes skirts and make up. I can only imagine the headache those extras would stir up for me. I mean the guys would never leave me alone about it and there's no way the girls would accept me. They'd probably think I was some nationalised tv stereotype gay best friend trying to live out my potential. And I could kiss good bye to my hopes and dreams of being a Pro hero I mean what agency would want to sign up a boy in a skirt (well a girl but still I'll never pass) to their roster. The press and political view they would be receiving and projected would be a nightmare just for pathetic me.  Maybe I'll just out grow this bullshit. Probably not seeing as tho I've always been like this - for as long as I could remember I'd felt wrong. Why couldn't whatever benevolent force that was up there (Or not ad the case may be) have just made me a girl. What have I done? What am I going to become? Why do I deserve this? Ugh shit what's Kiri been saying.
"So what do you want?" I gruffly grunt. God I hope but made sense in context."Well I wa getting to that. Anyway do you want to hang out with me this weekend. Kaminari was going to come to but he had to cancel something about swimsuit party thing I don't know i just know he's gonna be busy and it's to do with models - Or pornstars it's one or the other."
I reach for my neck to fiddle with my necklace and start to part my lips just slightly- barely noticeable if you were looking for it or not - about to chew down on my lip suddenly I remember where I am in my necklace-less situation. I lower my hand back down as casually as I can replying "I can't Kiri. I've got .. stuff on maybe another weekend." Shitty hair managed to pick the weekend (aka this weekend yay,) which my both parents where going off to some business thing meaning I had the full house to my self and that ment I could be myself. And do normal teenage stuff. If normal teenage stuff included hiding the fact you were a trans girl, kind of crossdressing and  generally doing stuff that would make you deeply humiliated and have a deep urge to puke if anyone saw what you were up to.
Shark boi frowned but quickly recovered and smiled brightly at me.
"That's okay bakubro! We can hill out another time." He seemed appeased by the answer. I loosened my shoulders which were probably tightened from anxietys. Cuz that bullshit is fun.
I turn to look at the clock. 5 minutes left. Honestly, I could probably walk out of here and Aizawa wouldn't notice or be bothered enough to stop me - though the thought he could expel me is always present. I mean he expelled students before for more trivial and less important shit. Whatever not worth it. Kirishima seems to be disrarcted by something out the window or maybe he's feeling the Friday afternoon drowsiness often  characterized by day dreaming or being generally lost in thought.
Slowly and only very slightly I turn my head and see Todoroki looking at me  - or pretty close to me i mean it's almost impossible to read that guy. Deku is sitting on his desk rambling onto him about something or another. Normally Todoroki looks pretty invested or infatuated with the mostly incoherent mutterings of Deku - not that you can really tell because he emotes as much as a brick wall for fucks sake - not today though I note. Tcch whatever.
*Ring Ring*
The bell signalling our freedom cries out and echoes along the soon to be full hallway. Everyone gets up as quickly as they can seeming to be free of Friday night drowsiness. I can't really blame them I probably a high contender for wanting to escape this confining classroom. I swiftly pack away my things and join the ever-growing stream of students leaving the school building for the weekend. As I approach the gate and make to turn in the direction I take to walk home but someone brushed against me tilting and altering my direction just enough to be annoying. The fucker. I turn to see the culprit but only see Icy-fucking-hot sauntering off like the little rich boy he is. Probably a fucking bottom anyway just trying to radiate top energy. Just a brat with daddy issues like every Tumblr girl. Oof or girl "who's not like other girls". I cackle silently at the thought. Ugh why does even your imaginary laugh sound gross and masculine.
"Bye Bakugou!" I turn to face the shark-teethed-shitty-haired boy I know I'm going to see walking off in the opposite direction of me. I now my head slightly to acknowledge him.
Thank God it's the weekend.

Ship ideas?
Where do want this story to go (I have idea but I want to know what you guys think)?
Anyway enjoy!

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