Chapter One

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I remember when I was a child. I was so carefree. But it’s sad how things have to change. In a world where quirks were everything, people do unholy things with their power. I was a product of that power. When I was three I had asked where my dad was, “That doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you have me.” My mom had told me. I had gotten quite upset, because every other kid had a father. The next day was my birthday, so I had went to sleep fairly quickly. When I woke up, I saw a figure in my room. It was a teen boy. Being the naive child I was, I had asked him his name.

”You can see me?” The teen had asked, looking quite surprised. I nodded my head, confused to as why he had asked that. “My name is Masahiro.” The boy told me.

“Why did you ask if I could see you.” I asked

“Well because I am dead, I am just a mere ghost.”

“How did you die?” I had asked. I was introduced to death at age three when my best friend got hit by a car.

“A robber came in and killed me. I have been alone in this house ever since.”

“Did you have a quirk, what was it?”

“I could see all the bad things someone has done.”

“That sounds sad, do you wanna hug?” I asked leaning forward to give him a hug. To my surprise I went through him.

“Remember kid I’m a ghost, I can’t touch anything.”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. “Yurei, honey who are you talking to.”

“My friend Masahiro!” I replied cheerily.

My mom brushed it aside as an imaginary friend and left us alone. Later that day I had to go see my mothers boyfriend. When we got there, Masahiro’s eyes widened. “Yurei get you and your mom out of here now!” After I looked at my mothers boyfriend I saw all the women he had violently murdered. “Eep!” I squeaked out. “Mom can we go home? I’m not feeling well.” I said, trying not to alarm her boyfriend.

“Sorry babe, Yurei must be sick. I have to go.” He looked angered, but complied anyways and waved us goodbye.

When we got home mom immediately checked my temperature. “Honey you don’t look sick, what are you feeling?”

“Mom I’m not sick, but Masahiro told me to get us out of here. I also saw him do some bad things.”

“Who’s Masahiro?”

“He is a ghost! He says he can see all the bad things someone has done, and that your boyfriend was bad.”

My mom turned her quirk on and saw Masahiro. Her eyes widened. “Yurei pack up, we have to leave.”

Understanding I quickly went to my bedroom and packed things up. In my room was two other teens, one looked like an angel and the other a demon. But before I could say anything, mothers boyfriend broke into the house. Screaming at my mother, he was threatening her. I quickly hid in the hidden crawl space my mother built. All of the sudden a loud bang followed by a thud sounded out. I suddenly passed out as I heard his shoes coming closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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