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Sorry y'all, just like our girl, I'm exhausted and tired and I wrote this one fast. It may be bad but I'm posting it anyways. I'm half asleep right now.

- k.r.


Anna POV

I am exhausted and my nerves are worn thin. I lazily walk down the hallway of my castle to my bedroom as I begin to kick my heels off. My head is slightly throbbing and I almost feel ill as I find my hand catching my stumbling body against the bedroom door. The diamonds on my hand glisten against the setting sun through the open windows. A sense of calm fills my chest as I excitedly open the door to see my husband for the first time all day.

"Kristoff?", I call as I look around our large room.

No answer.

"Honey?", I call again as I go to my vanity. I pull off my earrings and gently place my crown on its satin cushion.

I immediately pull my hair out of its tight  bun and the stress-built headache loosens as my hair falls on my shoulders. I scratch my scalp and exhale with relief.

"Kristoff? Are you in here?", I go look in the study wing of the suite we now shared.

Books lined the tables and papers were scattered on the floor. His favorite quill was laying next to a spilt ink canister.

What happened here?

I begin to examine the contents of what he had been studying and my heart begins to pound in my already tired chest.

He was reading about monarchy and the details of what the forms were. Countless notes and scribbles on the sheets of paper communicated exactly what happened here.

I know Kristoff better than anyone and he is worried about being a Lord.

"Anna? You're home", I hear his sweet voice behind me.

"Well I kinda live here", I chuckle not looking up from the books and papers.

"Kristoff, honey are you okay?"

I pull one sheet in my hand and see one phrase stand out:
"Be the opposite of me?"

"Anna.. I'm sorry, I just have no idea what I'm doing. I'm trying to be the best right-hand for you...", he says as he approaches me.

I finally turn around and face him as I look up into his hazel eyes. Concern fills his gaze as worry wipes the fear from his face.

"Anna.. baby you look so tired", he immediately wraps an arm around me and a soft hand cuffs my cheek.

"Well, managing a kingdom is hard work", I exhale against his warm palm.

"See, this why I have been studying all of this and learning, you're worn out because I am not helping you enough and...", he begins to ramble but I stop him with a kiss.

He pulls away with wide eyes, "What was that?"

I can't help but smile at the man I adore, "Kristoff, you are everything I need you to be. You just being here by my side is all I could ever ask for. Besides, all you're doing in here just proves to me how much you care. I love you, and I love your heart for Arendelle"

His grin is as warm as his embrace as he studies my now weary eyes.

"It's because you are the heart of Arendelle, and I love you", he lifts my chin gently. Another kiss is pressed against my lips and I am soothed by his touch. I feel tension leaving my body but the same nagging headache still throbs in my temples. I quickly pull away and slam my forehead into his chest.

"You okay?", he is shocked at my sudden disconnect.

"I've got a bad headache... I'm sorry", I say as I feel it intensify with each moment going by. I feel dizzy as Kristoff still holds me up.

"Let's go lay down, my love", he says as he swoops me up into his arms. I feel my body slowly fall into a state of ache as I am placed on the bed. This sudden, yet violent wave of nausea hits me and I groan out in pain.

"Anna what is it?"

"B..bucket", I say as my head pounds harder.

Before I know it, I lose what small fraction of dinner I had and I can't help but cry.

"Shh shh it's okay", Kristoff is right by me rubbing my back. I wipe the snot and tears from my nose as I struggle to lift my head.

"I'm so sorry. This is not how I wanted to spend our evening...", I cry again and I feel a cool towel meet my forehead.

"Anna, don't even think about apologizing. I am with you and I'm here to take care of you"

I don't speak any more as Kristoff takes the soiled bucket and places it in the hall to be taken away. He helps me sit up long enough to get my gown off of me and into a nightgown. I feel so helpless as the spinning room makes my aching head beg to lie down again.

I close my eyes and lay still on my pillow, the sounds of Kristoff shuffling through the room, along with his presence make my nerves ease.

I feel his large figure climb next to me and his hand rubs my back again; scratching and massaging as I concentrate on not letting light hit my eyes.

"Anna, I think you should rest tomorrow. There is too much going on and I fear it's making you sick", he continues to rub the knots in my shoulders and I lightly moan in thanks.

"Honey, there's too much to do with Christmas coming up. And I think..."

"Anna, I can help you. But I really think you need to take it easy", he says and I'm too tired to argue. I wiggle my body so I'm laying against him and his arms hold me close.

I truly am exhausted, and I feel as if one more thing may cause me to slip into paralysis. Sun-up to sun-down I am consistently on the move around the kingdom to attend to needs and duties. Guilt also creeps into the back of my mind and I feel as if I haven't spent enough time with my new husband. He would do absolutely anything for me, including taking care of my sick self.



"Let's just stay in tomorrow. You and me", I suggest and he tightens his grip.

"I would want nothing more. I'm not going anywhere"

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