Firsts - Part One

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(You guys accidentally got a teaser of part two so here's all you need for one)

Kristoff POV


"Kristoff!", I hear my bride shout from the other room. My stomach falls in a pit of anxiousness as I find my feet running ahead of my mind. The sitting room felt further than it ever had as I run to Anna's aid.

"Anna? What is it? Are you okay?", I see her back facing me, she's holding her tiny swollen stomach and I prepare myself for the worst.

"Come here", she quietly says and I put a hand on the small of her back as she slowly turns to face me. Her sparkling eyes look for my hand and places it on a spot on her stomach and pushes slightly.

I feel the slightest flutter beneath the satin gown that hugged her soft skin. My heart begins to race at the thought of our baby being alive within her womb. Anna's careful eyes are on me as I can't help but look at her hand over mine as I feel our baby move for the first time.

My eyes then lay on my strong, redhead that I adore. The glow in her cheeks seemed more pronounced as the pregnancy has progressed. The softness in her gaze proved her readiness to be a mother.

"There's something in there!", she squeaks, breaking my deep and passionate thoughts. I snort, remembering why I love her so much.

"That's what you're going to say in this moment we just shared?", I raise an eyebrow.

"I mean it's crazy right?! There's an actual person inside of me! And.. as crazy as it sounds, I've never felt closer to someone already. I mean, besides you of course but I just feel... connected", she explains and I just smile at her.

"Of course. You're carrying and creating life within you Anna", I kiss her forehead.

"Yeah.. it's exhausting. And... I'm hungry, are you hungry?", she immediately switches brains.

"Anna, we just had lunch an hour ago"

"I know... but, I didn't finish my plate and... now I'm thinking about the sad half of my sandwich that didn't get eaten", she looks down at the floor, one hand over the other. The position making her belly pop slightly and I can't help but put my hands back on where I felt my baby's movement.

"They're back to sleep now, let's eat!", Anna grabs my hands and pulls me out of our bedroom suite.

I am stumbling over my feet as my wife recklessly runs through the castle halls. The open doors and widows have curtains flying in the breeze. I get whipped in the face by a few as I continue to get dragged by the Queen of Arendelle running through the halls. According to Elsa, nothing has changed.

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