Chapter 12

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Just like Patrice said he would, I picked him out in the crowd. In a sea of fans wearing Canada's colors or USA colors, it was easy to spot him.

As soon as the final buzzer sounded and we won, he was the first person I looked to in the crowd when I got the chance. His smile stretched from ear to ear as he was clapping along with the crowd.

"Way to show up Orr! We needed those goals!" Shannon wraps me in a hug.

"Figured I should show up for this game." I laugh as I hug her back.

"You going to go get lover boy?" She asks as she follows my eyes back to his.

"Probably not until after his game. He won't have the time before his game." I shrug.

"You better not leave this place without him." Shannon demands.

We line up along our blue line and watch as team USA receives their silver medals. My heart aches for them, coming so close to gold and we ripped it right out of their hands. I would feel the same way if the outcome was reversed. They put up a hell of a fight.

"Center, number four, Tessa Orr." The announcer snaps me out of my thoughts.

I skate up and receive my medal and shake everyone's hands up there.

"Great game coach, your team put up a hell of a fight all game. You must be proud of them." I shake the coach's hand of team USA.

"I appreciate it. Congrats to you guys, you all played a hell of a tournament. We'll get you one of these years." Their coach hits my shoulder.

"I look forward to that day." I nod before moving back to my team. They hang up the flags of the first, second, and third place teams. Oh Canada starts to play as they raise the flags up.

With arms around each other, my team and the rest of the Canadian fans sing along with pride from our accomplishment.

After the celebration in the locker room and the media, we all start to file out of the dressing room one by one. I'm one of the last ones out. I hear some cheering and chatter in the hallway. I watch as the guys make their way out of their locker room, past ours, and onto the ice.

"Hey! Good luck super star." I yell at Patrice as he walks by. He shoots me a smile and a wink before rounding the corner and disappearing onto the ice.

I go to drop my bag and sticks with the rest of my teammates equipment and head up to the seats to watch the game unfold.

"Congratulations darling!" My mom throws her arms around me when I make my way to their seats.

"Thanks mom." I say as I hug her back.

"Let me see it." She pulls back and gets giddy. Her excitement grows more and more with each gold medal I bring home.

"I think this is my favorite one." She says as she inspects the engravings.

"You say that every time." I laugh at her.

"That's because every time they get better than the last." She admits.

"You played amazing today Tessa." My dad steps forward to hug me.

"The first game I didn't feel like I had a million pounds on my shoulders." I breathe out.

"Did he talk to you?" My mom asks.

"Yeah, he did." I sit down between the two of them.

"And?" My mom tries to coax me along.

"I'll see how they do against Sweden." I shrug knowing my decision already.

I watch the time tick down to zero and the guys flood the ice toward Carey Price. The ice is littered with sticks, gloves, and helmets as team Canada celebrates another gold medal.

"I'll meet you guys after the festivities." I jump over my mom and make my way to the exit before she or my dad could say anything.

I weave my way back to the locker room area. No one stops me as I make my way toward team Canada's bench. I stand in the shadows until the national anthem is over. I see other families of players take the ice to congratulate their loved ones. I slowly make my way out onto the bench and scan the ice.

"Patrice!" I shout when I see him. I run as best as I can on ice.

"Tessa, what-" I jump into his arms cutting him off. I hold onto him so tight. "Tessa." He whispers in my ear.

I untangle myself and Patrice lowers me gently to the ice. I look into his deep brown eyes and I feel my heart pounding in my chest and the butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"It's you. It was always you." I breathe out.

Patrice laughs, "It's about damn time."

He takes my face in both his hands and crashes his lips on mine. My knees go weak and my head explodes. The kiss is everything I hoped for and then some. Patrice finally breaks the kiss and puts his forehead against mine.

"I've been wanting to do that since the day I met you." He confesses.

"Oh yeah?" I giggle.

"Mhm, I have a lot of ground to make up for." He says before throwing me over his shoulder and following some of his teammates down the tunnel toward the locker room.

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