Chapter two

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(Pic of Marcus)
Pov Marcus

I sit on my balcony looking at the moon.I feel wrong.Don't know why.I just know something is wrong.Thats when the scariest thing that can ever happen for vampires happens.

The surge of energy rips through the air and almost knocks me off my seat on the ledge.The once white moon starts to turn red making it look like a drop of blood in the sky.The most powerful werewolf ruler was just born.

I jump off my ledge and run out of my room then slam to a halt.Wait!The queen hasn't been pregnant sense her miscarriage 17 years ago.


Pov Luna

My eyes slowly open and I see the moon above me.Its a dark red like blood. Memorized I don't see him sitting beside me.I hear him clear his throught and say,"The names Ashton."

He throughs a bag of red and I grab it savagely.All I know is it smells delicious.I hear Ashton chuckle as I drink the substance in the bag dry.I stand up and glare at him.I through the bag as far away from me as possible.

"What did you do to me and what was in that bag?!,"I yell at him angerly.I see his face fall as he cowers away.I can see fear in his eyes.

'He better be scared of us,'the voice growls.I don't know what happens next because I'm swallowed by darkness.


Pov The queen

I watch the moon turn red as the my witch walks into my bedroom."It's her, your magesty.It's time to bring our princesses home."Those words changed my life.I can see my little girl again.I feel tears slide down my cheeks as I smile.

Werewolf princesses turned hybrid(book one)completedWhere stories live. Discover now