Animating is so HARD!

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          Whats up?

          So as some of you know, I started the beauty a magic of ANIMATING! YAAAAY! Except it has taken up literally most of my time. As some of you know, my Youtube channel is somewhat up and running, but I haven't released it because I still need to make a profile picture and banner, but im too lazy and still figuring out animation. 

          Soooo what I plan on doing for the first few videos is a little pinch of stop motion pictures till I find a good software, which right now im using Paint 3D on windows, and doing a few gaming videos! Like Battlefield and Minecraft. And just messing around... heh.

          So anyway, Animation takes so much of my time. Like, to the point where I started practicing during school.. which Is not a great idea giving I go to a private school. YES, I GO TO A PRIVATE SCHOOL! Its not the best though. In fact, I find it worse than a public school. Giving though I wasted half the year with a girl that kinda treated me like shit and never liked me and continues to treat me like shit. Thats a story for another day though! plus most of it was my fault. (if she's reading this, I just want to say... hey how are you? Btw, your failing math.) [COMEDY!!!]

          Anyways! Animation is when you draw a person walking, for example, you know how it works, every image you move something by like a centimeter. And the thing with me is, that I liked to draw what I consider "Detailed". You will see that my art style right now is questionable, but things get better as time continues so dont worry. 

          So what ive been seeing with most animators is that most of them are collage dropouts and work at Sooubway. Heh, Odd1sOut reference. So I guess the key to be a good animator is just to drop out of collage and waste your life savings! Im just kidding, dont do that. Plus, keeping up with animating is starting to become extra difficult, because of this JROTC program im in called Young Marines, plus work and school. Im a freshman in highschool, and things are hard enough as it is! Which means I need to quit something... Nah just kidding, but school can go suck a cactus.

          Thats all I have for right now, let me know some story time ideas you want to hear from me!

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