Lunch: Shawn Mendes

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It was lunch and I was sitting with my friends Maddy, Anna, Rose, and Carly. We were sitting, talking and laughing about what happened over the summer.

When Maddy said looked up an her jaw dropped.

"What's wrong with you?"You asked "OMFG!!"
"Shawn f*cking Mendes is staring at you"
"Yeah, right"
"It's the truth" all of my friends yelled "I'm not pretty what-so-ever"

All of them looked at me like I was stupid, I guess you could say I'm not that bad looking but why would a famous person stair at me?
I just rolled my eyes.

"Hello ladies"
I look up to see Shawn Mendes smiling at us.

"Hey Shawn" we all said
"Us four were just leaving. Bye"

Than they all got up and left me and Shawn, perfect.

"Hi" I said shyly
"Did anyone ever tell you that when you act shy its cute?"
I could feel my face getting hotter
"You also look cute when you blush"
"Oh my god no!!"
"Yes, you look beautiful"

And all of lunch we just talked, got to know each other better. When the bell rang, I went to throw my stuff away but Shawn grabbed it and threw it away for me.

"Thanks. I got to go to class. Talk to you later."
"Wait Y/N can I have your number?"
You had a sharpie in your pocket so you took it and wrote you number on Shawn's wrist.

"Bye" and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Good way to start the new year!!!

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