Night After: Carter Reynolds

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I woke up to sounds of giggles, I opened my eyes and saw Y/N looking at me giggling.
"You look so cute while your sleeping" she said in a small voice.
I put my arm around her bare waist and pulled her closet.
"Babe you have to get to work"
I buried my face in her neck,
"Few more minutes. Please"
"Fine just a few"
I kissed her neck and she looked down at me and she kissed me on my lips.
"Few minutes is up" she whispered in my lips.
"Ugh fine"

After I was around I wanted something to eat, when I walked in I saw Y/N eating a bowl of cereal, back towards me. I walked up and put my arms around her waist.
"Can I have a few bites to go"
She turned around and gave me the bowl and spoon.
"Thank you"

"I got to go but I'll be back okay. Make yourself at home baby" I kissed her head.
"I love you"
"I love you too Carter" I kissed her one last time.


"Hey Carter" said Matt
"Hey man"
We started getting ready and doing what we needed to do.


I was on Twitter and I wanted to post a tweet but couldn't think of anything. I guess I could tweet about how fun last night was, yeah sure.

@Carterreynolds: Last was fun. Had a fun time.


Me and Matt were sitting down and going though Twitter.

"Hey Carter I just read your tweet of your night"
"It says you had fun time last night?"
"Ya so?"
"You were with Y/N last night"
Looks at me and smirks while I'm blushing.

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