Finding the Clan

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Authors Note - I do not own either how to train your dragon or disney's gargoyles

Hiccups Pov

I was walking down the path to the cove where toothless is when I heard something about twenty feet away. It sounded around the size of a human, I heard voices lots of them. I go over to see what was happening I peer round the bushes and see the most bizarre yet familiar thing ever. In the clearing I see a group of twenty human like beings yet they are different than humans, now i don't mean they have more than ten fingers or toes, they, have wings and tails and digitigrade legs, Horns and Talons, their skin were colors I have never seen before, There were the colors blue, Red, Green and lavender, along with grey and brown. There were even dog like creatures which have no pupils and are laying down and acting like toothless does when hes annoyed. I continue to look until I see something that takes my breath away, A being that is the color of jade with Long wings that have a bone-like structure inside and a tail with two spine like protrusion running down it, the being has  Hair as black as Night Fury Scales and a Lean build and is wearing A loincloth made of heavy leather with a belt holding it up and A skin tight vest made of what I assume is animal hide. He walks over to the ones arguing and glares at them making them be silent from this I can assume he is the leader, then I hear him speak.

Gargoyle Clan Leader Pov

It has been many nights since my clan have had a place to call home, Who am I you ask I am the leader of this clan, In terms of age I am around my teenage years young to be the clan leader but i was second in command when the past leader was killed. The name I was given by Humans is Ferux which means Ferocious,  Defiant, and at times arrogant which many of my clan would say is false as I am very calm and collected and I do not try to show off my accomplishments very much. I am coming back from a failed hunting trip in the woods we have taken refuge in at the moment and find two of my clan arguing over whether or not we should move on before humans find us. I walk over to them and glare silencing them and began to speak.  " Why are you two fighting, I have been trying to hunt and find food for this clan as it is my turn to bring food back, and I find two of my warriors fighting over whether or not we should leave before humans find us. The only humans on the island is the small village to the North of here to far away for any humans to bother coming here. so please for the sake of my sanity please stop fighting" I make my eyes glow and erie midnight blue to make my point. As I finish breaking up the fight I spy something hiding in the bushes I rush over and grab the thing which turns out to be a human boy who is about my own age in human years he is about a head shorter than I am and has auburn hair and is carrying a basket of fish I glare at him wondering why this human is so far from his village.

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