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Most of the supplies were undamaged to the relief of the three, and the intact pods were quickly transformed into artificial gardens. The damaged pods that had landed a short distance away had been decoupled, and with some effort rolled onto logs and moved closer to the rest, to be used for storage of materials and tools.

The spider drones explored the area and with their help the testing for edible plants and the small creatures began and a portion of the clearing between the pods was tilled to begin a local vegetable garden. Larger predators or herbivores hadn't been seen but Tiness suspected she'd seen something larger move further into the trees one early morning.

After a while of brainstorming, Bob was rejected in favour of Thaness. Alain thought using the last parts of Asitha and Tiness's names made for a name that sounded good. He refused to use part of his name in it because that would make the planet sound more like a constipation remedy.

With the necessities taken care of, Alain went out with an electric bike the drones had found with the survival gear on the Walkurea and Spidley and Ochio. The goal was to reach the top of the hill in the direction the two warships had gone down in and find out what had been their fate. The view was high enough for Alain to see two scars through the tree cover in the distance and them ending in a wide lake. He was glad to see the burning wrecks hadn't set the entire valley ablaze, and that the local fauna quickly covered the damage that had been done to the forest.

Any plans to take a small expedition towards the lake was put on hold when the weather turned colder, and Tiness discovered that the planet didn't tilt like their world or Earth, but that the planet rotated completely around two axes. Preparations for a long and cold winter were made and when the first few days of snow had passed, Asitha went into labour.

Alain gritted his teeth and endured the tight grip of Asitha's hand on his. 'Push gently.' Tiness said as Asitha groaned at the contraction. 'I can see the head.' Asitha groaned again. 'You're doing fine.' Tiness said and held the head of the red furred baby. Asitha groaned more with each contraction and her first offspring came out slowly..Tiness wrapped it up in a towel and cut the umbilical cord and cleared the placenta from the newborn's face. It mewled softly and Tiness handed it to Alain while Asitha huffed quickly before the contractions came for the second baby's delivery.

Tiness breathed deep to focus on the birth of the second. 'Here comes the second one.'

Asitha groaned and gripped Alain's hand tighter as the contractions worked to deliver the white furred baby. Tiness supported it as it appeared while ignoring its looks. 'Almost there.' she said. 'Just a few more pushes.'

Asitha groaned and tensed at the pains rushing through her, then slumped in relief when the baby slipped out of her. Alain was glad for her releasing his hand and stroked her forehead. 'You did it, tiger.' he said with pride.

Tiness wrapped the second one in a towel and held it alongside Asitha. 'I have no words for how incredible this is.'

Asitha smiled happily at the twin boy and girl, one with white hair and one with red, and both with half human, half Silth faces.


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