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today   1:13pm

jacky poo
ok do i message him now

jacky poo
or too soon

no now

he's still riding the high of the gc's
chaos maybe he'll suck u off

space nerd
omg this is so exciting

space nerd
jonah hand over the popcorn

jacky poo
shut up guys

jacky poo
wth do i say why am i nervous

dude just say hi

this isn't rocket science

jacky poo

jacky poo
can someone useful help me out

jacky poo
where's zach when u need him

space nerd
that would literally defeat the whole
purpose of this

space nerd
@Old man Mommy jonah 😘 we
could rlly use ur motherly advice rn

space nerd
ok so he's useless

we're all useless there's literally no
winning with any of us here

space nerd
he could've gave jack some hope at least

space nerd
it's bold of us to even assume jack
knows how to flirt

jacky poo
ik how to flirt quite well thanks

space nerd
i can't even imagine u giving someone
a decent compliment

jacky poo
u get absolutely no bitches just shut

space nerd
like u have any more than me

space nerd
fine prove it to me

jacky poo
absolutely not

jacky poo
i wouldn't be nice to u if my life
depended on it

just do it for practice

jacky poo

jacky poo
hey corbyn i think youre very nice

space nerd
some complement that was

space nerd
pussy's rlly drowning rn

i thought it was a great complement

simple but gets the point across

space nerd
we could rlly use jonah rn

space nerd
him and tessa have been together for
a life time now he'd so help

jacky poo
fine corbyn since you're so amazing
show me how u flirt

space nerd
daniel you're so sexy let's make out

i'm flattered but declining

jacky poo

space nerd
ok well

space nerd
god where is jonah

Old man mommy jonah 😘
oh my god what do u guys want

space nerd
and where have u been

Old man mommy jonah 😘
i just performed oral sex on my
girlfriend if u must know


jack doesn't know how to flirt and he's
ab to make a move on zach

Old man mommy jonah 😘

jacky poo
i literally know how to flirt shut up


Old man mommy jonah 😘
ok well ur compliment to corbyn was
a great start jack

Old man mommy jonah 😘
absolutely not what u should say to

Old man mommy jonah 😘
but a good start

Old man mommy jonah 😘
first you say small things revolving
around 'nice' like you just did

Old man mommy jonah 😘
examples include: "you look nice today"
"you're a very nice person" "you're nice
to be around" get friendly, cozy even,
then build your way up from there

jacky poo
ok so how do i build up

Old man mommy jonah 😘
then maybe you could even say
"i like talking to you a lot"
"you're one of my favorite people
to talk to" cute, small things like

jacky poo
yeah no

jacky poo
i wanted to throw up just reading

space nerd
ok well how else r u supposed to
get him to like u

or use my approach of jokes

make him laugh, annoy him

jacky poo
ok fine

jacky poo
blaming y'all if none of this works

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