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Edited by GivingLove10


Jimin and Taehyung were sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Can I ask you what does the color dark red mean to you? You mentioned earlier that you see dark red in me," Jimin asked Taehyung anticipating an answer from him.

"It means hatred. You looked angry and pissed by my presence so I gave you that color."

Jimin didn't want to show him his hurt expression. He really didn't hate Taehyung; it was just new to him so he wanted to protest but it wasn't out of hatred.

"So which color does hyung present to you?"

Taehyung kept silent for a while thinking, eventually saying, "Light blue! Like the sky. I feel safer when he is around," he smiled to himself while looking at his hands.

"Oh, your nails are way too long! Wait here, I will bring something to cut them short for you before you accidentally hurt yourself," Jimin said while getting up to head toward his room.

However, the main reason for him leaving was just to prevent himself from getting any angrier or 'jealous'.

"Why does hyung have to be light blue, and I'm dark red! I don't hate red, but now I do. He thinks it represents hatred," he sighed to himself while holding the scissors in his hand.

Jimin went back to the living room where Taehyung was, but he saw him sleeping; he was lying on the couch, "You must be tired after all that you've gone through, huh!" Jimin placed the scissors aside then watched the sleeping Taehyung.

"Hey, Taehyung wake up come sleep in the room."

Taehyung rubbed his eyes then opened them slowly asking, "Where?"

Jimin took Tae's hand and led him to the guest's room which had 2 beds.

"Sleep there, and I will sleep on the other bed, but I have to change first. Don't worry I won't close the door, but I will switch off the light okay!" Taehyung nodded at Jimin's words.

Jimin changed his clothes in his room then went back to the guest's room. Taehyung was fast asleep, so Jimin slowly walked towards his bed and covered his body with the blanket, then cutely patted Tae's head and smiled at himself.

"What am I doing?" Jimin whispered to himself while walking toward the other bed to sleep.

The boys slept peacefully that night. Jin came back home, late; he placed his car keys carefully on the table and then walked slowly to the guest's room, and as he expected he saw Taehyung sleeping, but what he didn't expect was to see Jimin also sleeping in the same room. Actually, no, on the same bed as Taehyung, who was hugging Jimin in his sleep.

"Goodnight children." He smiled to himself and was about to close the door, but he remembered the earlier incident and just left it open.

A second later his cell phone rang and he answered, "What now Jungkook?"

"Listen there Jin! If I find out that you were the reason behind Jimin not joining me tonight. Consider yourself dead," Jungkook gritted his teeth after finishing, trying to hold his anger in.

"Hold up young man! 1st its Jin hyung. 2nd I didn't tell him to cancel anything; he did that willingly so don't start assuming things. Ah and one more thing, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY NEPHEW. I don't want him to be associated with people like you!" Jin ended the call with Jungkook immediately. He hated Jungkook so much because he was the reason behind Jimin changing.

Jimin's mother who is also Jin's older sister died in a train wreck in which she wasn't the only victim, but multiple people died that day. It was a heartbreaking incident in Seoul, which happened 8 years ago; Jimin was 16 years old, and Jin was 26 years old back then. She was a single mother so Jimin never knew or saw his father, but Jin, on the other hand, does know him; he had seen him a couple of times.

Jin sat in an armchair in the living room looking at a picture on his cellphone; it was a picture of his sister. Long black hair, round face, light brown eyes, and her lower lip was as thick as his.

"I miss you so much," he whispered to himself.

The next morning, Jin made sure to wake Jimin up for his job that Jimin lied about; however, Jin didn't know it though, in reality, Jimin didn't work he was just living off of Jungkook and sometimes taking money from Jin. Why does Jimin wake up early? Because he spends the entire day with Jungkook doing dirty work. However, when Jin woke Jimin up this morning, he was stopped by Jimin shushing him.

"Keep quiet Taehyung is sleeping."

"I can see that! You can go to work," Jin raised an eyebrow at him for his sudden change in behaviour. What's wrong with him, he thought.

"If we both go to work, he'll be alone which is something that we can't do, so I'll stay with him 'til I can figure something out," Jimin spoke quietly trying not to wake Taehyung up, then as Taehyung started moving Jimin brought the blanket up a little to cover him more.

Jin looked at Jimin with a smile on his face then nodded and left the room. He prepared breakfast and left it in the kitchen so that he could leave for work. The moment Jin left the house Taehyung flung his eyes open and sat up quickly. Jimin sat as well and looked at him worriedly.

"Did something happen?"

"The door?" Taehyung questioned as he tensed up with worried eyes, he looked at Jimin waiting for an answer.

"That was Jin hyung. He left for work."

Taehyung calmed down after hearing that, then yawned and placed his head on the pillow, but he was stopped by the sound of his stomach growling in hunger.

Jimin laughed, "You are hungry right? Let's go to eat something. I'm sure hyung left us something to eat, come with me."

Taehyung nodded then went to the kitchen with jimin. Jimin gestured Taehyung to sit on the chair and placed an empty plate in front of the both of them then served him some of the food Jin left for them. Taehyung thanked him and they both started eating.

"When was the last time you used a chopstick?" Jimin asked eyeing Taehyung who was eating with a fork.

"I actually don't know how to use them. When I was young older people used them, but I was too young to use them, so mom always fed me herself." Taehyung looked at his food and smiled sadly.

Jimin sighed then gave Taehyung chopsticks saying, "Looks like I have a lot to teach you."

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