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Edited by GivingLove10 


"How long have you been kidnapped?"

"For 20 years."

"How did you escape?"

"Soura noona with the help of the Jeons."

"Who was behind kidnapping you?"

"The Min's w-with the h-help of the Jeons," Taehyung said, gripping immovably on the seat's arm, attempting to hold in the desire to lie to protect Jungkook's dad.

However, he knew that Jeon would've loathed him his entire life. Earlier before the court started both Jeon and Taehyung had a little conversation.

"Listen here, kid! I realize that you feel regretful. I've seen the way you looked at Jungkook 5 minutes ago. Try not to feel down because I assure you that I did horrendous things, beyond your imagination. I deserve to be in jail. Jungkook will understand, so don't reprimand yourself for the wrongdoings I do. Hmm- however, I do need to ask a favor from you," Jeon said as he put his hands on both of Taehyung's shoulders, proceeding while at the same time investigating Tae's eyes, requesting endorsement. "Can you take Jungkook out of the hole I dug for him?"

Taehyung grinned with a tear in his eyes and gestured overwhelmingly, saying with a broken voice, "Yes, I'll help him. I don't know how yet, but I'm sure that I'll find a way or another."

"Keep in mind Taehyung. Try not to lie. Regardless. Tell every bit of relevant information. The world wasn't there for you at the beginning so don't waver to take your risk now. Do you understand?" Jeon looked in Taehyung's sad eyes and got an approved gesture accordingly.

He tapped Tae's shoulder, grinning in the procedure and said, "Now I have to disclose Jin something valuable. See you inside the court hall kid."

He turned around, but before he left, Taehyung shouted, "Never forget that I forgave you a long time ago."

A beam crept all over Jeon which Taehyung didn't see since Jeon's back was facing him and murmured to himself, "There are at least another 100 more who still didn't forgive me, boy."

"Taehyung do you hear me?"

Taehyung immediately raised his head, taking a gander at the judge after he heard his name being called out for and said, "Sorry sir. What was the question again?"

"How did you have access to food and other important things to survive?"

"The Butler, Mr.Hanze, came to my pri- room and gave me food twice or less a day. When I was young, he would bring me clothes more occasionally, but as my body stopped growing, he stopped giving me a change of clothes." His words were stern and well thought of, which influenced the judge to consider asking him a significant question.

"You seem well mannered for someone who has been locked up his entire life."

Taehyung gave his splendid square-shaped smile, answering, "My father made sure to send me books to read through Mr.Hanze. You can say that I read a great ordeal of books since I had a lot of time on my hands."

The judge smiled back at him, proceeding with his inquiries, "Now let's ask the real questions." Taehyung shifted in his seat and breathed out harshly, waiting for the storm of questions which would eventually come at him. "You referenced before that the Min's were the ones who kidnapped you. How did you know when you were locked away and knew nothing about the world?"

Taehyung shut his eyes for a second then opened them, saying, "After escaping, I got abducted by the Jung's," he glanced at Hoseok, who was now behind the bars alongside his father, he was holding the metallic bars brutally and gritting his teeth.

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