Soldiers of Justice

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"Man, what are we going to do Fireman? At some point, the little guy's going to be here and ruin the doc's plan." Bomb was pacing back and forth with a frown. Meanwhile, Fireman was trying not to burst into flames himself.

"Justice must be served." The fire robot murmured.

"I know, but if he took down three of us so soon, then he's got to be powerful. Like mega powerful, more powerful than any of us-" Fire whipped around with fierce determination.

" It don't matter, justice will be made for our brothers! Our brethren's cries will not go unheard while I'm here!" Fire declared to the roof, and it managed to get Bomb pumped up.

"All right then! But what will you do while I blow him away with my handiwork?" Fire's head burst into fire from the question, his eyes turning into little dots.

"My burning passion will fry him to the core! If that doesn't work, I'll leave him to you."


The two robots gave a nod as they readied themselves for the little robot.


"Thanks for the repair, Dr. Light. You sure that Cutman, Gutsman, and Elecman will be okay?" Rock asked as he approached the incinerator building. The smoke was bellowing out as the heat waves were already making Rock pant.

"Don't worry my boy, Elec and the others will be alright. Their repairs will be quick, just make sure you get the others as soon as possible. There will be no doubt that Albert will realize what you're doing." Light replied.

"Gotcha. See you soon dad, and tell the others I'm sorry." And then the little robot went in. A few minutes went by before he reached the door. The blaster was aimed when he ran in, and not a moment too soon. A small unfused bomb rolled toward him, and Rock picked it up in confusion. But a small flame zipped in front of him, hitting the fuse and counting down. In his panic, the little robot threw the bomb and watched it explode on the wall. Silhouettes of the two robot masters suddenly jumped down to meet him.

"Heeeeeyyy there, little dude! Glad you could join the party!" Bomb said with a grin.

"Bomb! Do you remember me?" It was the naïve programming taking over, Rock just couldn't help but feel a glimpse of the real Bombman took over for a moment.

"Of course we remember you. You know, we heard you made quite the trouble with our brothers. Not cool bro."

"I'm really sorry, but they're being fixed right now. They'll be back to normal soon." Rock smiled, but his defenses were up with his blaster arm halfway up. Bomb shook his head in denial, Fireman's eyes clouded with an unknown emotion, but it was certainly keeping him on edge. "Let's just cut this 'party' short and come with me, okay?"

"You real, little dude? You gonna blow up our brothers, shrug it off, and then waltz in to tell us what to do? That ain't happening." Bomb growled.

"Ya feel like some kind of hero?" Fireman's torch head lit on fire as they both got ready.

"I'm-" Rock couldn't even finish as the two robots lunged for him.

"Time to end this party!"

"FIIIIIIIIRRRRRREEE!!!!" Fire unleashed his fury of justice into the scene.


It had been a while since Wily left, and the robot was still stationary. Suddenly, the power core inside his body started to start up. Power surged his body as he started to wake up.



As the functions of the robot were coming online, his fingers were starting to twitch. He tried to flutter his eyes open.

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