He is very drawn in. He is strict on his apprentices, and even more strict on fully grown cats, but he is very kind with kits. He hates both the clans and Clearmoon with a passion. He is extremely loyal anything he believes in and is very loving of his brother, Hopewish, and all kits that he took in. He was born Leafkit of Streamclan. He left to Hawkclan with his brother when it was revealed that he was a half-clan cat. Clearmoon, Clearpaw then, promised him that she could get him back into Streamclan. However, she screwed him over and he was banished from the clans. He met a she-cat after he became a roge, now going as Leaf, but she left him when they discovered that he was infertile. He joined the Outsiders, and chose the new name of Night. He chose it because night was when he fell asleep, and when he could escape his horrible past. Due to his past, he has a low self-esteem and slight depression.
My Warriors OCs
FanfictionThese are all the cats that I roleplay with, here and elsewhere. I got this idea from Dawnofthewild, so go and check her out. She's a really good roleplayer. If you're interested in roleplaying with any of these cats, message me.