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jade thirlwall added you
jade thirlwall added perrie
jade thirlwall added jessica nelson
jade thirlwall added leigh-anne
jade thrilwall added unknown

jade thirlwall here we are girlz

perrie it took you ages ma'am

who's the unknown girl you added tho?

unknown i didn't know i'm a girl

jessica nelson i knew you'd make some mistakes

leigh-anne so it's a girls and zabdiel groupchat

jade thirlwall im kicking him out... just kidding. unless??

unknown unless what? yo no hablo ese idioma

cool so i'm stuck in this groupchat with four weird ladies and a spanish man who doesn't even speak english? super cool

unknown i do speak english no tanto pero
unknown and i don't think i know your name??

perrie she called us weird ladies??
perrie pfff

jessica nelson you did one right thing in your life and call us WEIRD pfff

leigh-anne I CANT STAND YOU

my name's gloria

unknown how do you know little mix??

perrie she's harry's ex

unknown who?

jade thirlwall styles

unknown oh
unknown no entiendo que es the connection between you and her

what's your connection with them tho?

unknown reggaeton lento remix 🤪

harry introduced me to perrie first and then to the rest of the group. he knew i liked them

jessica nelson the only right thing he did

perrie JESY

you added zabdiel de jesús to your contacts

zabdiel de jesús comprendo

do you need english lessons?

All mistakes you might find in this story are intentional. We know Zabdiel makes mistakes when he talks in english - imagine when he texts someone.
So, don't worry, it's intentional.

unknown [zabdiel]Where stories live. Discover now