~Without darkness, there cannot be light.
Remember my children,
Your darkness is what makes you shine.
It makes others shine too.
Without love, there isnt hate
Why hate? It was horrible
But remember, hate makes you want love...... But I will never feel love again.
All those lies they told you...
How soulless people cant feel,
But yes they can!
They cant feel love, or happiness
Its like losing part of yourself...
Pleasure is the closest that they can come to happiness.
But its usually in darkDark
No! We are not to blame! We arent cruel! Your just human like us too.
We need to kill to survive, we need to eat, have you forgotten. Why blame it on me? I didnt kill the animals, farmers did! We are bored you know... we have to satisfy our need for dark dark things. They wont be hurt! They are just fictional! They aint real, they cant feel! B U T W E C A N T T O O . . .
~Do you want to hear a story? There was this blank world... And there was this one completed person, the others were incomplete, without a heart. The loving person tried to love others. But they never returned it, they only took and took. They left the person empty. Now everyone had not enough love. They didnt need him anymore, they discarded him. He was heart broken, not one had realised how empty he was. They didnt care, they didnt look. He ripped his soul apart. There was no more him...
Pain, pain, pain
I like the pain. Just kidding.
Our characters do
Isnt that perfect~
Hey! Im not some sick joke!
~Ever heard of cutting? They make it sound addicting.
They slice the bread, they love the feeling
They want more
Carve, beautiful curves, they slice more
Pain, it hurts. I dont cut because it feels nice.
I cut because it hurts.
I want to feel the pain
I want to punish myself.
For all the pain I made you go through
Which is nothing.
I suffered the consenquences.
Not you.
It was me.I never really cared about my creations.
Half true
And a lie
They caused me some...
Undesirable pain...
Hey! It felt awesome when he destroyed.
I could sell part of myself to get pain in return. No love please, that sucks, that would be a huge part of me, but nope! I cant feel love anymore. Anyways... well after all the effort put in making them, how can I not LOVE them. You could say I wanted to make them suffer from over creation.
Forced God of Creation [Completed]
FanfictionEveryone has heard of fgod error, resulting in Ink as the bad guy. How about handing the mike back to Ink and let him explain his backstory?