Chapter 1

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I was hiding in the bedroom closet of the house me and my boyfriend live at.. I don't know if l can even call him that anymore.. After I came home from work I was exhausted and all I wanted was to take a shower and eat something and then watch some tv before I go to sleep.. But when I get home his ass is having a party and I don't think it's just any party but a drug and sex party.. I tried to leave but he went bat crap crazy and started to go off on me saying that I'm so ugly and stupid and dumb and lazy and just a whole lot of ugly names to me and then he slapped me in the face and hard and then he started to beat me so hard and fast that I kept trying to get away from him but people kept pushing me back to him and he was so strung out on pcp angel dust.. Everyone thought that was funny and just didn't care what happened to me.. So I somehow managed to get from his crazy ass and I ran and hid in the closet with my phone trying to figure out how to get out of here.. All of a sudden I heard gun shots and then the closest door is yanked open and Ryan grabs me by my arm and the next thing I know is that I taste my own blood and I thought I was going to die and then I passed out..
"We got a major hostage standoff going on now Hondo, u and the team ready to go?? " Hicks says
"yeah boss we're ready " Hondo
"All right everyone we got a hostage standoff and there's been shots fired so we need to stay liquid and stay ready" Hondo says
I hear sirens and I knew that they were here for what was going on...
The next few minutes are a blur of activity with Swat coming in and making sure that they arrest the bad people and if necessary kill them.. I was all alone in the last bedroom of the house.. I must have managed to make some noises because the door was closed and I was in here alone trying to stay alive..
Hondo found me and told the paramedics to bring in a stretcher for me..
"please don't leave me alone " I managed to say before I blacked out again..
"Boss she wants me to stay with her but I gotta stay with the team right now " Hondo says
"don't worry about the team Hondo.. Go with her and make sure she's okay..." Hicks says
"all right sir " Hondo says
I wake up some time later in a hospital room and the guy who I asked to stay with me was asleep in the chair beside the bed.. I was so grateful that I didn't have to wake up alone here..
I was sore and in some pain but I was thankful for being alive.. I looked at the guy who saved me and oh my gosh he is so fine and sexy as hell!! He probably has a wife and kids or something girlfriend or boyfriend..
My mind was imaging him naked and his cock rock hard....
"hey there beautiful how are u feeling now?? " Hondo asks me
"I'm in some pain and my head hurts right now.. " I say
"I'm Sargent Commander Dainel Harrelson but everyone calls me Hondo.. " he says
"I'm Kara Rose 🌹 Cullen " I say as I go into my accounts of everything that I could remember about what happened and what was going on when I got home from work...
Hondo's POV
Even though I just met Kara she is someone who I want to protect with my life.. There's just something about her that I find absolutely sexy and gorgeous and kind and funny and cute and adorable and beautiful and amazing and she has a glow about her..

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