Devil's Roulette

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"Did you know the numbers in Roulette add up to the Devil's number?" The man at the table said to another man who wore a cross around his neck, "I think we're both poor sinners playing for the amusement of Old Scratch anyways, what he doesn't know is I like to play dangerously."

The man with the cross stared wide-eyed at his remarks, he was clearly drunk or something of the type because surely no one had as much confidence as he does, almost like he has nothing to lose. The man at the table was neatly dressed in a tuxedo with a red apricot tucked under his chin, along with ironed pants and shiny black shoes that sparkled under the casino lights. He was remarkably handsome and with sparkling blue-eyes that shone mischief and greed. If the other man didn't know better, the man was probably the Devil himself who's betting for his own amusement, or bringing despair and chaos to all the poor sinners in that casino.

After reeling in another win under unlikely odds, the man with the cross whistled and said "That's impressive, that's darn impressive I have to tell you that. Oh man, it has to be the champagne but... what's your name again?"

The man's sly grin began to dimmer and he replied "My name's John, now how many freakin' times do I have to say that before it gets through your drunken-" A woman next to him touched his shoulder, calming him down, and after a deep breath he started to smile again. He patted the man's back, almost knocking him over and he whispered, "Listen, I didn't give my name to you so you could forget mine, OK? See..." He put a finger on the man's chest and shot him a look that told the man that something was very wrong with him. ". . . I know you Patrick, I know you're a Christian and I know you're probably rich and all that. What I don't know is how well you know me? After everything I told you about me I hope at least one brain cell picked up some aspect of my troubles. I confessed myself to your friend, I thought you can help me..."

Patrick swatted away John's finger and pointed his at him, shouting "I'm no priest man! This isn't a freakin' confessional, this is a casino! I thought you could at least spare me cause I've practically sold a car's worth of money in one night! You know what, I'll take you on, and then you'll have something to cry about. No, wait a minute..." Patrick looked at the girl behind John and the money stacks of cash she was holding, then he looked back at John and said, "... Let's spice it up a bit..."

The bet was simple, If Patrick won he would get all the money and the girl. If John won, he would keep it all and Patrick would give him most of what he has left. Like John said, the Devil came to Las Vegas and he's playing for keeps, and he never felt more luckier.

The bets were placed and the dealer spun the ball on the wedged disc, and the ball travelled round and round until it started to slow down. Patrick and John watched the ball, hearts pounding nearly out of their chests and sweat running down their foreheads. The ball landed on a red wedge, which ended up being John's wager. Patrick bursted with rage and shouted "Two outta three! Come on, Two outta three!" John chuckled and turned to Patrick, saying "Alright, alright. If I win, I get everything you have, and you'll walk home naked!" For that moment, Patrick looked nervous, and then he stuttered "N-no man, my wife needs this, my kids..." John then replied "That's not my problem. All or nothing, and the first bet still stands." Patrick looked dead into John's eyes, mustering all his courage and said, "There's no way I'm losing to someone like you." Then the ball spun again.

Patrick chanted to himself and John prayed under his breath as the ball started to slow down.

It's not going in the red, It's not going in the red.

As the ball came to a stop, John turned the table just enough for the ball to land in the red slot, then he held out his hand toward Patrick, saying "Come on, pay up you poor sinner."

Patrick punched John square in the nose, which cracked and dripped blood. Then he reached for John's waist and pulled something out from it. When John recovered from the blow, he saw that Patrick was holding a pistol and pointed it right at John's head.

"Why do you have a gun on your waist John?" Patrick was red with rage and tears streamed down his cheeks. "Are you a cop? Answer me!" John took a deep breath, and then he said "Why do I bother telling you these things Patrick? Why do I even bother?"

Without a moment's notice or even another breath from John, Patrick fired a bullet straight through John's skull, painting the roulette table red. The bullet ricocheted off the ball, setting the ball in motion around the roulette table and it spun round and round. The screams of the people echoed through the casino and security came running to the spot of the crime. Patrick was horrified at what he did, and he was escorted, more a coward than a man, to a police car at the door of the casino.

John was in a dark place, he couldn't see anything, he couldn't feel anything, but he heard the sounds of loved ones and familiar sounds from memories long past ricochet through the darkness like a game of roulette.

A criminal stared at John with an unrelenting gaze as he was being escorted to the police car parked outside the station, where John patted down the remains of the stolen cash in his pocket and pointed to his golden badge to let him know he was the law.

John's wife cried so loud and long by an empty crib the two of them built, and John put his hand on her shoulder to assure her everything was alright, and no matter what they will love each other till death do them part.

John heard the sound of a baby crying, and he thought of all the wonderful and amazing memories he could've made with his son or daughter he never got to hold.

He heard the voice of his friend, who after long years of being together understood his every need and was there for John for everything that the world through at them.

He heard the sound of his grandmother, who took him under her wing when his mom needed to get the household back on track, and acted like a second mom to him, and his grandfather who treated him like the most precious treasure ever beheld.

At last he heard his wife, and his father who tried everything in their power to be with John and make his life a perfect heaven for family, but unfortunately life had other plans for them. So, while recalling every moment in his life, John felt at peace.

The casino laid empty, the lights were off and the sounds died out, and the ball stopped moving and landed in between the black and red wedges with even and odd numbers. As many suspected John was so confident in himself he didn't feel the need to lose, because he felt as if the world was his oyster and the odds were either in favor of him or not with what stakes he placed.

That's why John thought betting high would be fun, and furthermore even more amusing with the stakes lying not on the course of life but in the little white ball, where if you play your cards right you win it all.

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