A Letter To You

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Dear readers;

-+redacted +- And all other names are kept from knowledge so certain reality warpers can't locate this universe.

Even nicknames can be a little iffy...

Reality warpers tend to be strange, often managing things on accident that most can't even do if they try really hard.

Unfortunately, reality warpers can be unstable, especially when they feel cornered. If someone pushes a reality warper to far... It is not at all pretty.

Stable reality warpers subconsciously suppress their power constantly. Stressed reality warpers who are sane accidentally leak their power when they are close to a break down.

Here's some advice, never try to emotionally taunt or fake friendships with reality warpers... It never ends well. You could end up witnessing the most horrendous of things... Depending on the base abilities of the reality warper...

Death is the least of your concerns.

Your incredibly lucky if you meet a reality warper who is aware of their potential and is actually scared of it. You're lucky because they don't want to hurt anyone.

But it's possible to break anyone.

This fact alone is a sad and terrifying truth.

The simple answer is, be nice. If you're honest about not wanting to be a persons friend, they'll understand. Just don't rub it in their face or beat around the bush.

But the thing about reality warpers, is that sentient entity's can subconsciously detect them, they fear the possibility of difference... Of danger.

This is how some of the most dangerous reality warpers come to be.

Repressed, depressed, broken, alone, isolated, misunderstood.

At a certain level, everything stops mattering to them. Truly... The thing most likely to drive an average reality warper mad.... Is guilt. Depending on the basic ability of the reality warper.... They might accidentally do something completely against all their morals. That's when morals stop existing. To preserve piece in their mind, they go completely insane...

It could take the life span of countless universe's to drive them back to some kind of almost sanity.

Yours; the Author.

The diary of an insane reality warper Where stories live. Discover now