A Start

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Dylan's POV

"God, I hate waking up for school" I say, as I try to open my eyes from the amazing sleep I just had. I pull the pink flowery comforter, that I've had since I was 13 off of me. I look to the nightstand that's on the left side of my bed and glance and the picture of me and my dad when I was 5. Me and my dad had a very close relationship. When he died, I stayed inside my room for 2 weeks straight, barely eating or anything. My mom constantly tried to get me out, but nothing worked. I couldn't imagine me living life after my dad died. But look at me now, living and shit. I just had to learn, life moves on. And I know that my dad is watching over me daily, making sure I am good.

As I get out of the bed, I drag my feet towards the bathroom that is connected to my room and I complete my daily routine of getting dressed. I start by turning on the shower and wait for the water to get warm while using the bathroom. I take off my pink Nike shorts and my white sports bra and underwear and hop in the shower.

With the Orange towel wrapped around me, I open my humongous closet and look for something to wear. When it comes to clothes, I think I have everyone in the world beat. I probably have enough clothes to last 2 years without any repeats. My closet is very large. It's a walk in that's bigger than the guest room in my house. I decide on wearing a black crop top, my light washed high waisted shorts, and my black Doc Martens. I put my super curly hair into a high messy bun, with a few strains running down. I did my makeup perfectly. The Foundation was flawless and my winged eyeliner was done excellent, which is a surprise because I always end up doing one wing really good, then I go to the other eye and fuck shit up. I topped off my look with a matte purple lipstick. Quickly, grabbing my North Face book bag and my Michael Kors purse, I rushed down the curvy set of stairs that led to the kitchen and ended up bumping into my mom.

"Good morning sweetie" my mom says with a genuine smile on her face. What's her problem?
"Morning" I quickly say and grab a banana and rush towards the door. While I'm grabbing my keys off the key holder, my mom says "Come home right after school today, I have someone that I want you to meet!"

"Okay, mom!" I yell and quickly close the door. I don't really suspect anything of it. It'll probably just be a new boss or a friend she recently got back in touch with, like always.

I click the button to unlock the doors of my black 2013 Audi A4. It was a gift for my 16th birthday, last year. This car is my baby, I named her Sophia. I guess you can say, I'm pretty spoiled. But, it's only because I make very good grades, and my mom has a pretty decent job. Plus, my dad was a really big person. He was the owner of Def Jam records, so he left us with a pretty good amount of money.

I placed my book bag into the passengers seat and started up the car. While looking back, I back out of the drive way and start my way towards school. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to school, including the time I use to stop at Starbucks daily and get my Caramel Mocha with extra whipped cream. As I walk into the school, my friend, Allison, is waiting on me. Me and Allison have been best friends since kindergarten. Most people even think we're sisters. I mean, we actually do kind of look a like. She's black and Puerto Rican just like I am. She has long blonde hair that she dyed over her brown hair and big grey eyes with the longest eyelashes you've ever seen. Me, on the other hand has long curly blonde hair that I also died over my brown hair and big blue eyes. We have the same 5'5 and skinny, but curvy frame. When I see Allison, she is dressed in a red t shirt, dark blue jeans that she cuffed at the end and her Carmine 6s.

"Hey, Ali!" I say, happy to see her because I didn't get to see her all weekend.
"Wassup Dyl"
We walk up the stairs that lead us to the Senior Hallway. This hallway is basically where all the "popular" kids hang out. You ever seen Love Don't Cost a Thing? And they have the hallway for the popular kids, and the hallway for the not so popular kids? Yeah, that's basically how it is here at Perry Creek High School. Except, you don't get beat up by walking into the wrong hallway.
Someone taps on my shoulder and says "Hey Dylan". I can spot out that nice, New Orleans accent from anywhere. I turn around, and it's August.
"Hey" I say nervously because it is August freaking Alsina, the most known guy in California talking to me.
"How was ya weekend?" he says in a gentle voice.
"Oh, it was nice. How was yours?" I say quickly trying to avoid him asking me what I did, because all I did was sit in my bed.
"It was alright. Went to a couple parties and got fucked up and shit, ya know?"
"Yeah, that sounds fun" I say with a giggle.
"Kinda, coulda been better. Well, I guess I will see ya in English"
"Yeah. See ya!"
As he walks away, I turn to Ali.
"Damn, he's so fine! I don't get it" I say, being thirsty as ever.
"He alright, everyone be on him though. Now his brother, Travis, that's the one I need!!" Ali says, sounding even thirstier than me.
"You silly girl!" I laughed.
"Well, let me get to class.. Hey, you wanna go to the mall after school, I want to get a shirt to match these pants I just got."
"I can't, my mom wants me to be home after school. She has someone for me to meet" I say, as I roll my eyes.
"Damn Dyl. Okay, see you in 2nd period"
We both go opposite directions towards our class.

Tired as ever, I pulled into my driveway. I notice a silver BMW parked beside my moms car. Must be the person she wants me to skip going to the mall for, to meet.
I grab my book bag out of the passengers seat while opening the car door. I get out and gently close the door. Nothing bothers me more than when people slam my babies door. I lock the car and walk towards the house. The door is unlocked, I opened it and noticed a man sitting on the couch beside my mom. He was a younger looking man. Skin was a caramel tone, and he had tattoos. His hair was freshly cut and was brown. He was wearing an a white shirt, white pants, and some white timbs. He looked way too young to be hanging out with my mom.

"Hey Dylan. This is the person I want you to meet." My mom said with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey there, I'm Chris."

"Dyl, me and Chris are engaged."

"What?!?! How could you be so stupid?!" I say looking at them both angry. I don't even let another word come out of my mothers mouth and I run upstairs into my room and I slam my door.

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