Chapter 40:

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I cringed watching Chanel whine in pain as another contraction hit. She continued to toss and turn as she laid in the hospital bed.

Luckily her and the baby are okay with her waiting so long to admit her pain.

"Can she keep turning like that?" I asked Shelly who was Chanel's delivery nurse.

"Yeah, she's fine." She answered.

"Shut up Kody." Chanel snapped.

The hell she gonna tell me to shut up for?

"Your doctor is on the way up now. So she'll check you and hopefully you are ready and can begin pushing." Shelly said handing Chanel ice chips.

Chanel groaned breathing hard turning on her side again.

"I'm glad you're my nurse and not one of those other lil bitches." Chanel said.

"I told you even if I was off I was gonna come in and be ya nurse. They would have had me fucked up if not."

I tuned them out looking at Chanel's back dimples. I can't wait until I'm able to have my thumbs buried deep in them again. Are my thoughts even apporiate right now?

"Shelly, ain't that shit sexy?" I asked as she came back towards my side looking at the monitoring screens.

"Kody what the fuck are you talking about? Don't show people my ass." Chanel asks.

"Why would I be showing ya ass? I'm talking about your back dimples."

"I'm two seconds from kicking his ass out the room." She said I looked at her like she crazy as Shelly laughed.


"One centimeter to go." The doctor said only making Chanel cry more.

She did this every time the doctor came in and said not yet. That's her damn fault she trying to have a natural birth.

"Kody go check on Jaden."

"I literally just came back five minutes ago from checking on him. He's fine Chanel, I promise."

"But he might be in pain." She pouted. "If yall would just got me a damn wheel chair so I could just go check on him myself."

"I love how you're so caring about him that you forget your own pain for a second to worry about him." Shelly said. "Too bad you're not getting up tho boo."

"Fuck you." Chanel said squeezing her eyes shut as the pain hit.

"Guess who?" Mom said rolling Jaden in a wheelchair.

"Baby!" Chanel said trying to sit up knowing her ass in pain.

"Nelly my brother is coming?" He said smiling tiredly.

"Awh, yeah. You're tired. You need to go lay back down boo. I love you."

"I love you too. I wanna come back when my brother is here, kay?"

"Kay, make sure y'all bring my boo back forreal." I shook my head she so damn extra.


"Awh look at my third grandbaby. Him so small and cute." Mom said she held him.

"Look just like me." Kaine said.

"Nigga he look just like me and Jaden." I said.

"Okay, and I look like a light skin you." I looked at him like really. "He gonna have my middle name too?"

"Unfortunately. We want him to have the same middle name as Jaden. I swear whenever you have kids one of them better have my name."

"Nigga you just love me so much." Kaine said trying to hug me.

"Chill dickhead." I chuckle holding him back with my arms out.

"Cut the shit y'all." Mom said while Chanel and Shelly laughed.

"Him so cute. You know I'm claiming Godmommy right?" Shelly asked.

"Yes Shellz, I know." Chanel said rolling her eyes playfully.

"Don't call her Shellz I don't like that fuckin name." Kaine said with a mug making me laugh.

"Shut up Kaine." Shelly said before walking out.

"You shut the fuck up!" He said loud enough for her to hear. I laughed as mom came over and slapped the shit outta his back.

"Ma! What the fuck?" Kaine exclaimed.

"Don't be fuckin talking to people like that and stop cussin."

"I can talk to her however I- wait, did she call me some fuckin Kaine?" He asked more to himself before walking out the room.

"Like I said, just like a King." Chanel said.

"The hell am I missing?" Mom asked.

Me and Chanel just shook our heads.

"Where is dad?" I ask.

"With Karma because she being a spoiled baby and he being a cry baby because his lil girl is growing up."

"Did dad drop them tears seeing his baby girl holding her own baby girl?" I ask.

"You know he did."

"Don't fuckin lie Jazmine." He said from behind me as he walked into the room.

I shook my head laughing.


When everybody finally left we finally got some peacefulness and I finally got some time to hold my newborn son without everybody wanting him.

Jordan Kaine King.

I smiled looking down at him sleep. I was glad I was actually here for the birth of him since I didn't get called about Jaden's birth until a day after; that still pisses me off to this day. As long as I have both of my boys in my life I'm always gonna be good.

I smiled looking over at Chanel and Jaden sleep on the hospital bed.

Even tho some shit didn't go as planned in my life how I would have liked it, I wouldn't want it any other way.

It might have took us to go through some shit to get here, but we here.

And I got my family.

Epilogue up next, then Kaine's story.

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