𝗢𝗡𝗘. non-planned

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"Do you want to take your order now?"

The apathetic tone of your dear friend in drag questioned, clipboard in hand all the while tapping the pen. You took in a deep breath and answered, "Just give me a few more minutes.."

"(L/N), do you really hope (he/she) would come? It's almost an hour since you got here." The raventte reminded, the stoic expression faded as you slowly nodded in reply. "I know (he/she) will."

"Alright," the raventte boy left you alone in pity.

Seconds, minutes, hours passed yet no sign of your date. The atmosphere was too heavy for you to bear as all the customers eyes' glue to your figure in pity. Murmurs of sympathy spread around concerning about your situation, giving you those apologetic looks.

As you were about to leave, a blonde stranger immediately took a seat, opposite of your direction, "Hey, I'm so sorry I'm late," he spoke rather nonchalantly. The stranger flashed a charming grin. He was acting casual and all, as if he was your friend.

You were baffled. Who was this guy? This isn't the person you were waiting for the entire time. This isn't (Insert Name).

He then quietly added, "Call me Teru. Just go with it, yeah?" He sent you a wink, "Whoever didn't bother to show up doesn't deserve someone like you." He fixed his slightly bedraggled clothes and started to order for food.

So you played along with this "date." You had a lot of fun chatting with him. You devoured the food presented to you, it looked really tasty!

As much as you love this, all good things come to an end. After a petty argument on who's going to pay, you bowed in gratitude. If he didn't show up, you'll probably end up as an idiot waiting for no one.

Before Teru could leave, he asked you out for real. Your mind was a having a debate; one screams about (Insert Name) and what would (he/she) feel about it while the other reasons out the former. In the end, you finally decided, "Sure, why not." You accepted with a wide grin.

Afterall, a date is where two people get together to get to know each other, right? You know you barely know him but this was a chance to get to know him better, why waste this opportunity?

Nonetheless, today was the best non-planned date.

Nonetheless, today was the best non-planned date

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