Without You.. (Pt.2)

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Sans didn't punish Lusts' rear in that moment..but he said he would soon.

After Valentine's Day, Sans was called by his brother, him saying that he Needs and Has to help Asgore move. Also saying that he's been wanting to move for a while now..mainly because he didn't want to be a(n) nuisance to Toriel so she wouldn't have to see his face around anymore. Sans was upset by this but he agreed to help out, since he was being 'slightly' forced to, even if he didn't want to. He gave Lust a goodbye kiss for the time being..which was a long make out session. .and some squeezing but he soon left after.

Not knowing one thing..

- 1 Week Later -

It's been a week since Sans left to go help Asgore move. Lust texted him multiple times..but he never got a response, assuming that he was too busy. Which he might've been.


Lust was all good and well, cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner. But also worried a little, mainly from the fact that Sans didn't return yet. Lust hoping that he would, or at least come and visit after he was 'at least' tired of doing work. But he didn't let that get to him, or at least not yet.


Lust was becoming increasingly more worried. But still kept his composure throughout the day, still hoping that Sans would return - at least just once, just for a moment or even an hour..or longer. Lust sat in the middle of couch, watching TV as if it was the only thing he could do..which it was..


Lust was not on his couch, no lights on in the house, except for the TV light..which he adjusted the brightness to '0%' and the volume down to '5%', so he was still have to hear it. His thoughts wondered throughout the day..thinking that what if Sans was hurt or. .
He started texting him yesterday but he didn't get a reply at all..which Lust thought was very peculiar..and upsetting.


He was crying heavily on the bed, hugging himself tightly as he tried not to think of the one thing that Sans might be doing. He tried not to think on it so hard that it felt like his soul was slowly cracking. This 'pushing away' started bringing back past memories of his Ex and how he would always. .
Lust pushed that thought away again, his past feeling like it was catching up to slowly and painfully.


Lust was shakily holding a Knife in his hand. Holding it at his wrists, as he tried 'doing that's but he couldn't. Gritting his teeth through heavy tears. He's texted, called and even voice mailed Sans, just to hear his voice and see his text. Even the '. . .' thing in the text box would've been fine. Lust so worried to the point where he called Toriel, who picked up but told him that Sans was still helping them move. And was sorry if he was worried about him, also saying that he should return soon..hopefully..

Saturday & Sunday

Lust 'Drunk' all day.
Trying to keep himself together
Pray that Sans would return
And hope that he would be able to feel his Kisses, his Hands against his Body, his Lips, Tongue and overall Body against his.
Lust became so 'Intoxicated' that..when Sans did soon return..it was the worst thing that Lust would ever remember.

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