//Day 1\\

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Logan's head felt heavy as he attempted to figure out what exactly had happened. He remembered returning home from gathering herbs but that is where his memory went blank. Had he sustained a head injury? How could he have? He never left anything in his house that was a tripping hazard? Still with how his head hurt he needed to make sure he didn't have a concussion.

Slowly he began to open his eyes, realizing that his hands were tied behind his back and that he was sitting on a chair. His eyes opened wider. This was not his house. His vision still swam as he began looking around.

"Ah, it seems you are awake." The way the letter S was drawn out, Logan knew exactly who was talking, he didn't even need to look in the man's direction. All of the pieces were beginning to fall into place. He had been kidnapped by Drake, otherwise known as Deceit, and thus, most likely, the King's younger brother, Remus.

"Ohh, is he finally awake again, I thought I might have hit him too hard."

"There are more effective ways to kidnap someone, a blow to the head can cause significant damage-"

"Well then, it's a good thing you have a thick skull." Remus cut Logan off and normally he would be frustrated but right now he just didn't have the energy. A sigh left his lips as he began to mutter a spell, attempting to at least ease the dull ache in his head, but nothing came of his words. The gentle warmth that accompanied his powers was missing.

"Sorry about that," he didn't sound sorry at all. Logan suspected he was just as much of a liar as the rumors said. "We just couldn't have you using your powers to try to escape. Remus has it in his head that if we keep you, then his brother and the others will come to rescue you."

They must have put a silver collar on him. Silver dampened the effects of magic due to some of its intrinsic properties. Logan had studied it a lot while he had been under the employ of the King. Roman had long ago decided that anything he didn't understand was his enemy, which included magic. When King Roman had found out that Logan was a Wizard, rather than try to learn from his faithful advisor and useful resource, Roman cast him out of the castle. He had claimed not killing Logan was him being merciful. After three months on his own, Logan tended to disagree. Though it was bearable, isolation came with a loneliness that Logan could not shake. Either way, the king would not be coming to his aid. "That is conjecture with no basis in reality."


"You are making a guess, and an incorrect one at that," Logan stated again, his head really did ache. "The king will not come for me."

"Then his little companions will."

"That is also doubtful."

"You are just being a downer."

"I am being realistic, but if you believe your hypothesis to be correct, how about a wager? If they do not come for me within a week, you shall grant me my freedom, without the collar."

"Deal!" Remus said this before Drake even had the time to reach out his hand and stop the hyperactive man, sighing as he watched his boyfriend run off.

"Do you really believe they won't come for you?" Drake asked, looking Logan over.

"They have no reason to. I left the King's service months ago."

Drake nodded before turning and going after Remus, leaving Logan tied to the chair. Sure it would have been wonderful if Logan had someone who would come after him and save him, but he knew that wasn't the case. He would simply save himself by surviving this week. Logan closed his eyes, hopefully, the silver did not neutralize his natural healing abilities that came with magic running through his veins.

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