Chapter 4

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Toby's POV

I was walking down the sidewalk to Spencer house.

I walked right up the drive wayang nocked,

the door flew open, "hey what took you so long"

I walked in and said gees what's so urgent

" This " she reached up and started kissing me witch turned into a make out session.

I pulled away and smiled, I did not expect that today.

"So what are you doing today ?"

Well I'm pretty sure just hanging out with my beautiful girlfriend.

" Oh really what's she look like " said with a smirk

Hmm let me think she has a big house just like this she has chocolate melting brown eyes , and beautiful brownish hair.

" Hmm she sounds ingesting "

She is . I say and pull her into a deep kiss.

Then my phone busses. we pull apart

Phone conversation
( this Jenna is in quotations)

what up I answer the phone

"Hi i need you to take me to my flute lessons Toby "

Why Jenna can't mom and dad take you? Besides I'm with Spencer.

"No there on a date. "


"I know right but can you please"

No call a cab to take you

" Please "

fine I will over in a minute.

End of conversation

Spencer that was Jenna she needs me to take her to her flute lesson . I'm sorry I will be back when I drop her off ok.

"That ok go ahead just be back soon please"

Hey I promise



Author note :
Sorry I now this chapter was crap

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