Chapter 23

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The rest of the weekend went smoothly, the team had the greatest time relaxing and enjoying time as a big family but also everyone got to catch up with their own little family and spend much needed time with them, specially the kids. Emily and Aaron both have very stressful and busy jobs that most of the times prevents them from spending quality time with their 4 kids, that's why for them this trip was necessary and very much enjoyed, plus the kids really loved having their parents around for more than a couple of hours a day. JJ and Spencer try their best to spend time with Henry and put all their time and effort into being with him; however, sometimes they forget to spend time as a couple because, even though they have been married for 10 years now, they still need time to recandle that love, which is exactly what they did in this trip, they even went on a date by themselves while the team looked after Henry and JJ took that opportunity to tell Spencer that she was pregnant, which then the whole team was very excited about, and surprisingly Henry took the news pretty well. In addition, both David and Penelope had time to relax and exchange some cooking recipes that Rossi had been trying out for awhile.

However, the weekend came to an end and the BAU had to head back to reality, which they did reluctantly. The team got back to work that Monday quite early because there was a case, a bad one, and they all needed to head to the office ASAP. Emily and Aaron had been woken up by the Director at 3:30 am telling them to head to the office ASAP because they had a case that required their immediate attention.


Aaron and I both got a conference call from the Director telling us we needed to head to the BAU ASAP because there was a bad case that needed us to work on it immediately. When we hung up the call I look at the time on my phone and it said 3:30 am, I thought to myself "great way to start the day". Aaron turned to look at me and said as he had just been reading my mind:

- What a great way to start the day - he said rolling his eyes

- You read my mind - I said smiling

- That's my superpower - he said kissing me good morning

- One of your many - I said

- I'm going to call the ladies and you call the guys? - I ask him

- Yeah sure - he said as we both start dialing each of their phones and letting them know that we have a case

After calling the team, we both got up, got showered and ready. Then I woke all 4 kids up, sent Jack and Declan to the shower while I got the twins ready and Aaron made some coffee and lunch for the kids, thankfully we meal prep for the kids so everything was mostly ready to put in the lunch boxes.

When I had the twins ready I called for Jack and Declan and they were ready to go too. It's funny that Aaron and I have trained the kids so well that when we tell them we have to leave ASAP because of our work they get ready super quick. All 5 of us walk down the hallway towards the kitchen where each kid grabs a lunch box and I grab my coffee; then everyone grabs their bagpack or briefcase, coat and shoes, and out the door we go.

As soon as we got to the BAU we dropped off the girls at the daycare, then the boys stayed at JJ's old office with Henry, and Aaron and I headed to the BAU. We got there and only JJ and Spencer were there so Aaron and I both said good morning and headed to our offices where the Director had already dropped off the files so we could look them over. Once I saw that the whole team was here I called them all to the conference room and then Hotch and I went in.

- Morning everyone - we both said as we took a seat

- Morning - everyone said still sleepy

- We've got a gruesome case my crime fighters - said Garcia as she followed to brief us on the case

- You all my pretties are heading to Culver, Indiana, and let me tell you that the town has a population of like 2000 people and all it is, is cornfields. - said Garcia kind of glad she didn't have to go

- Actually the population is 1,422, and saw a drop in population between 2009 - 2010 - said Reid as Hotch cut him off

- This unsub is killing the male victims by strangulation with what seems to be a metal wire, that is sharp enough to cut the neck of the victims to the point the head is hanging from a piece of skin, the female victims are stranguled with a piece of clothing around the neck. The bodies are disposed all around the city, he doesn't care to hide the bodies and he most definitely thinks he won't get caught. - Hotch stated

- We have 5 bodies right now and the M.E report will be sent to us as soon as possible; however, it has taken this long to connect this victims because even though this unsub doesn't hide the bodies he also doesn't leave them out to be found. What I mean is that, the places these victims were found were abandoned and isolated where people don't usually go but the bodies were left out in the open, not hidden in any type of way in this buildings. - I told the team

- Okay so that means that he doesn't have a personal connection to this victims, but some kind of remorse for the females, which means he is a psychopath. Any sexual assault? - asked JJ

- Not yet reported, but what we can say is that he kills one female and two males at the time because even though they were found at different times the M.E said they all died within a few hours apart. Now we have the two dead males but the female hasn't turned up yet. - I said and followed - so wheels up in 30!

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