Chapter 13

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Words: 1036

(Jungkook's POV)

"God why me?" I groaned restitching my wound. I wrapped it and went into the bedroom lying down.

I don't know what time I fell asleep but I wish I hadn't.


"Damnit, again bitch!" Jungkook's father yelled hitting Jungkook with the whip when he got knocked back from the recoil of the gun.

His father was "training" him, but really it just gave him more excuses to abuse his son.

"B-but father-"

"No buts! Or do you want you sister to be next?!" The man snarled hitting Jungkook again.

It was like this everyday.

Wake up.

No breakfast.


No lunch.

Train more.

Eat an apple.

Forced to "play" with his fathers "friends".

Train more.


Jungkook hated it, but he endured it. He wasn't strong enough to overpower his father yet, and if he didn't do what he was asked of, his sister would be used instead.

The poor boy was starved, and if that didn't kill him, the the amount of torture he received everyday would.

He was either whipped, punched, kicked or all at once. And when he failed to do a task, the beatings got worse.

"Carry all these cement blocks from the porch to the tree, falter once and you're going to be punished."

And when he would finish,

"Carry then all back to the porch, falter and you're punished."

This went on for years.

Before his dad killed his mom the beatings were only punches and kicks, but when she died he had no one to help him, so the beatings got worse. He was used, sold to men for money, so his father could drink.

He was never fed but when he was, he would give his food to his sister so she wouldn't starve. She was the only thing keeping him from killing himself there and then.

Over the years he got stronger, he could endure more, his body enhancing, letting him do tasks without faltering, which meant no punishments.

And that angered his father.

He had been taken out of school at the age of 10, but his sister still went.

He would teach himself how to do things, using his sisters books and some old books his mom had in the attic.

But his father, well his father grew angrier. He was mad that his mistake of a son was happy. He needed to end that.

One day when Jungkook was 15, his little sister only 12, he faltered doing his work. His father had dug a small hole in the ground, making Jungkook trip.

When he tripped the items in his hands fell, breaking and he got up in a panic. He stared eyes wide in a panic when he couldn't see his dad behind him.

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