Unexpected Visitors

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Sorry it's short, I promise future parts will be longer. I don't know how frequently I'll post but I'll try as much as possible.

~Betty POV~

I woke up at 10:00 since it's still summer break, but we go back in a few weeks, sadly. I hate school but there are some subjects I kinda like. I'm apart of a writing club called the Red and Black. It's me and my friend, Kevin who write in it. Anyway, i get dressed and go to the Black Viper, the bar that the Pretty Poisons own.

~At the bar~

I walk in and walk over to the bar where Ronnie is bartending. She smiles at me and I smile back. Me and Ronnie had a fling a while ago, but we didn't let it ruin our friendship, we're still the best of friends. We still hook up every now and again and we flirt alot, but we both like different people. It usually happens when we're looking for a good lay or just need a break.

(V)"What can I get ya, beautiful?" She asks with a wink. (B)"Whiskey on the rocks, gorgeous." I wink back. She laughs and walks to go get my drink. I check her out as she walks. I'm suddenly pulled out of my daze by the bursting of the doors to my right.

I snap my head to see who it is. When I do all i see is red. What the fuck are they doing here?

~Jughead POV~

We were bored so we thought I'd be fun to raid the Black Viper. I only agreed so that I have an excuse to see Betty. We busted through and I saw Betty checking out her friend, Veronica I think. What the fuck? I didn't know she was into girls. Are her and Veronica a thing or something?. Shit. She snaps her head towards us and she doesn't look too happy. She looks even hotter when she's angry. Damn it, Jughead shut the fuck up.

(B) "what the fuck are you guys doing at MY bar." She asks. I shrug. (J)" Didn't have anything better to do". She huffs angrily. (B)"Get out." She seethes. (J)" ya know, you're hot when you're angry." I wink. She scoffs. (B) " just get out, I'm not in the mood for this bullshit" I smirk. (J) I think I'll stay"

I actually posted? It's a miracle. I didn't know how to end so yea, also my apologies if it's boring or shitty. I didn't really know what to do with it. But thank you to those who helped with my writer's block. And for reading and voting for the story. It means alot❤

Love, Nevaeh💞

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