Bar Fight

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Betty POV

Since the Serpents got here, they've been super loud and obnoxious. I've tried on several  occasions to do something about it, but Ronnie won't let me go over to them, knowing I'll probably end up fighting one of them. But after one specific Serpent came up to Ronnie and I to try to 'have some fun' with us, that's when I snapped.

(B)"You have ten seconds to get out of my face before I make you." I say getting up from my seat at the bar so that I'm at eye level with him. "And what is a sweet little girl like you gonna do?" He laughs. I just stare angrily at him. (V)"B,don't" I look at Veronica and nod, stepping back from him. "Yeah, that's what I thought" I snap my head to him, and without a second thought I punch him square in the face. I stumbles back, groaning.

(B)"Now you know what a 'sweet little girl' like me can do" I sneer. He looks at me and walks away. I sit back down and continue talking to Ronnie. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to Jughead, Toni and some other Serpents with scowls on their faces. I sigh. (B)"What?" (J)"You just broke one of my guys' nose" (B)"Well, next time tell your guy not to underestimate me. And tell him to stop being a little bitch and fight his own battles" I roll my eyes. (J)"Why don't you just chill out" I glare at him. (B)"Why don't you just leave my bar,this is poison territory and snakes aren't welcome." He scoffs and leans in close to my face, our faces inches apart. (J)"You know you want me hear" he says, his voice husked. It was almost... sexy. Almost.

I lean in closer, our faces centimeters apart now. (B)"You wish" I hover my lips over his and then pull away. (B)"Now get out of my bar before things get ugly." He scoffs. (J)"We were just leaving"

Jughead POV

As we leave the bar, Toni catches up with me and grabs my shoulder. (T)" wait. We have to talk." I was confused, but I just told the Serpents to go to the bar and we'll be there in a minute. (J)" what's up?" (T)"oh, don't act like you weren't eyeing Betty the whole time we were there" she raised her eyebrow. My eyes go wide. (J)"w-what? I-"  (T)"Oh, don't lie" (J)"Fine. I like her but you can't tell anyone, ok?" (T)" chill out Jones, I'm not a nark" I let out a breath. (J)" Thanks. Now let's get back to the bar." We start walking to the bar, not knowing that the events that will occur the next day could be disastrous.

Hi, I'm not dead. I'm sorry that my writing schedule is all over the place. I probably wouldn't have posted today if it weren't for all the nice comments I'm getting on this au. Thanks so to the people who show love to this story. It really means a lot🥺💞

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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