The Supreme

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In a small cart, is a woman who just woke up. Her hair is wrapped up tight to no one sees, and her body is covered by a large cape. She opens the sheets of the cart and let's the sun shine on her. " I guess this is where I stop... " She yawned and stretched. She puts her foot on the ledge and shields her eyes from the sun. She flips off the cart. " Thanks for the ride mister! " She smiled and waved. " No problem " He said and waved back. She stretched her legs. " I guess I'll be in for a long walk... " She thought, looking at the town in the far.

~Hours later~

She arrives at the gates, catching her breath. " Phew! I can't believe I ran all the way here " She sighed. She walked into the gates, not knowing that her life was about to change.

~Not far away~

A petite girl wearing a cloak that covers her face sneaks up to a food cart. She reached her hand out and looks for food. She finds her hand on a large round watermelon. " Jackpot " She whispered. The man selling it turns and finds the hand. He grabs it and yanks the girl over to him. " Ah! " She screamed. The sudden commotion causes people to travel in that direction. " You think you can steal from me girl? " He asked. " Well no... I uh... " She stutters. He pulls out a knife. " I'll take the hand that steals from me! " He said and lifts it up. She tries so hard to free her hands. The woman from before comes over to see what's happening. " What's with all the noise? " She asked. She sees that there is a girl about to get her hand cut off. The small girl closes her eyes, and braces for impact. After a few minutes she opens her eyes, to see why she's not in any pain. Her eyes land on another girl. Her blonde hair talking out if the cloth it was wrapped in. The knife of the man shattered into pieces. " Why don't you pick on someone your own size? " She asked. The man smirks. " Oh? And would you be able to fill that role? " He asked. The woman disappears before his eyes, and appears behind him. She grabs hold of his head and cracks his neck. He falls down, drool falling out of his mouth. She wipes the sweat from her forehead. She goes over to the girl. " Are you okay? " She asked. She slowly nodded. Her stomach rumbled. " Oh I guess your hungry, well we can have all of this stuff " She said and pointed at the food cart. She takes a large sack and then puts all the fruits in it. " Here ya go, if you need help moving it just say so " She smiled. " Th-thank you so much! Your so kind! " She said and hugs her. She smiled. " By the way, what's your name? " She asked. " Um L-levy McGarden. My names Levy McGarden " She said. " Well nice to meet you Levy, my names Lucy Heartfilia " She smiled. " C-can you help me take these things back to my sister? " She asked. Lucy nodded and puts the bag on her back. She walks with her to her small shack. She puts the bag down. Levy asked her to stay. " Sure, I guess I'll have a rest before I get going " She said. " Where you going? " Kiyome asked. " I've gotta find my home. I don't know exactly where it is, but my mom told me to find it. She put this keys with me " She said and shows a key chain. " They are a group of constellations called the zodiac " She smiled. They nodded. " So do you have anything you wanna do? " She asked. Levy stops eating. " Well, this village used to be peaceful when we first arrived. But then a band of thieves came and took over and things haven't been the same. People can't leave if they come here, and we are looted of out house every month " She said. " But the only people who can save us are supremes " She said. Lucy was about to say something when there was a large boom. She stands up and runs to the window. " Stay here I'll be right back " She said and runs out. She runs to where it came from and finds that a bunch of houses has been blown up. She finds a bunch or people with large evil smirks on their face. They all pounced to attack her. Lucy had to keep dodging. There was no time in between to attack back since there was more than one of them attacking continuously. She decided to transform. " Celestial bodies, I call upon thee, show me your light so that I may have the will to fight. Twin stars, give me the strength to win " She said and her eyes turn white. She spins around very fast and transforms(bottom). They all attack and Lucy dissolved it. " What the... " One said. He decided that magical attacks won't work, but neither did physical attacks. One by one they all fell to her. She slowly floats for the ground. Everyone in the area stared in awe at the sight of her. " She's a... " One man started. " Supreme " Levy finished. They all were shocked. Lucy transformed back. " Hey Lushie... " A blue cat crawled out of her pouch on her skirt. " Hey happy what's up? " Lucy asked. " Don't we have to go? " He asked. " Yeah... " Lucy said. She turns back and looks at levy. Levy was shocked. " Wow, your a supreme? " She asked. " Is that what your calling us? " She asked with a chuckle. " You have got to let me come with you! " She said. Lucy looked at the blue cat on her shoulder, who just nodded in return. " Okay " Lucy said and levy smiled. " You hear that kiyome? We're going on a trip! " She smiled. " First we've gotta get clothes... " She said. They nodded. " Let's hop on the next caravan " Kiyome said. " Perfect! " Lucy smiled.

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