Work This Out

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"I'm hoping Chef Micheal's gonna teach me the art of Austrian flake pastry and Sharpay's gonna be where I work every day. how much better can summer get? Right? Right?" Keke said tieing his scarf "a real dream come true" Chad said sarcastically "if you actually get to know her I mean she's..." Zeke said "Dude" Chad said interrupting him "hey, I didn't even know Sharpay's parents owned the place Riley told me that Sharpay invited her to stay with her and Mr. Fulton just said, you know, there's wildcat fans at Lava Springs and jobs are available so, I said let's go for it," Troy told his friends "inspiring, Mr. Bolton truly inspiring however what we're looking for you from all of you is not inspiration but perspiration," Mr. Fulton said spitting a little on Troy's face "confirming assignments," Fulton said grabbing aprons "Bolton, Danforth, waiters and when needed caddies," he told the boys walking away "what," Chad said 

"Miss McKessie I'm told that you're efficient," Fulton said to Taylor "well..." Taylor started to say "prove it you'll handle member activities keep me in sight at all times," he told her handing her a clipboard "Kelsi, piano lunchtime and cocktail hour that means mood music, not new music capisce?" he told Kelsi "Martha, Chopping, cutting, preparing plates do complete the summer with the equal amount of digits I assume you currently possess," he told Martha "oh, Zeke, you will assist chef Michael in the..." Fulton said to Zeke "the promised land" Zeke finished what Fulton was going to say "you hold on to that" Fulton said handing Zeke a chef hat

"Mr. Fulton, your excellency sir would it be okay if we draw straws to see who has to wait on Sharpay?" Chad asked Mr. Fulton "please none of you will be waiting on Sharpay," Mr. Fulton told him "oh, yes. snap" Chad said  "you will be serving Miss Evans," Mr. Fulton said, "who's that?" Jason asked "always address our members as Mr, Mrs, or Miss let's practice," Mr. Fulton said to Jason "do we have to?" Taylor whispered to Chad "shall we? Miss Evans, would you care for lemonade?" Mr. Fulton asked Jason "actually, I'm not Miss Evans. I'm Jason" Jason said sticking his hand out for Mr. Fulton everyone groaned in annoyance   

"it smells so good and we are very hungry," I said walking in with Gabriella Chad and Troy were signaling for me to be quiet "what's for lunch?" Gabby asked, "Miss Montez, Miss Roberson it would seem your lunch breaks does not start for 3.5 minutes I do hope no members drowned in your absence henceforth, do clock in and out on time Three infractions of any kind, and your employment is terminated capisce?" Mr. Fulton asked all us girls nodded our heads "chop, chop, chop" he said walking away "okay, that man officially scares me" Martha said "yeah" Me, Taylor and Gabby said, "suddenly, I'm beginning to miss detention with Miss Darbus how sick is that?" Chad asked Troy "come on. we got a hoop outback two free meals a day, and we only have to wear these stupid outfits on duty all for one and one for all. all right?" Troy said "this is our summer. now, what team?" Troy asked "wildcats" Some of us chanted "what team?" Troy yelled "wildcats" Some of us yell back 

How did we get from the top of the world
To the bottom of the heap

I don't recall you mentioning
The boss is such a creep

We still have the ingredients
To make this summer sweet

Well, I got rags instead of riches

And all these dirty dishes

[All except Troy and Riley:]
I wish I had three wishes

(Okay, guys, break it up)

We've got to work, work
To work this out
We'll make things right
The sun will shine

We've got to work, work
There'll be no doubt
We can still save the summer
If we work this out

(Dude, what have you gotten us into?)

(Come on, we can totally turn this thing around)

I'd rather face a seven footer
Straight up in the post

That sure beats hangin' here

[Taylor & Martha:]
And burning someone's toast

I needed Benjamins
But this ain't worth the stress

Maybe there's a better way
To fix this greasy mess

We're a champion team
A well-oiled machine
And we've faced tougher problems than this

I know it's a grind
But I'm sure we can find
A way to have fun
While we get this job done

[Troy & Riley:]
We've got to work, work
To work this out
We'll make things right
The sun will shine

We've got to work, work
There'll be no doubt
We can still save the summer

[Troy, Riley, Zeke, Kelsi:]
If we work this out

Tell me what you want

Tell me what you need

A little bit of sugar

A little bit of butter

It's the perfect recipe


It'll taste so sweet


Good enough to eat

Gonna make some motion pictures

Hit the mall with all my sisters

Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers

Kick it with the music mixers

Buy a ride that suits my style

Lounge around the pool awhile

Make a date with my favorite girl

[Troy & Riley:]
We've got it made!

We've got to work, work
To work this out
We'll make things right
The sun will shine

We've got to work, work
There'll be no doubt
We can still save the summer
If we work this out

"so, can we work this out," Troy asked Chad "yeah we can work it out," Chad said making all of us cheer "Send the waiters right in" we could hear Mr. Fulton say and Troy and Chad left the kitchen I blew Troy a kiss before he walked out   

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