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OK so let me introduce you to everyone

Virgil Phir
This human wizard is the embodiment of curiosity. He constantly wants to find out everything about every situation.. So that he can prove to his parents that become a wizard wasn't a 'Dumbass move' in his life

Lucky Star
The famous stripper turned bounty hunter. This bard travels along with this band of misfits souly to get revenge on a guy that left without paying. His arrogance comes off as rude.. But how endearing can an orphaned teifling be?

Sparkles Elderflower
'Wow, his parents must hate him' and to those who agree.. You're straight up fucking right. The Dragonborn was an accidental pregnancy that was birthed into a harsh war between the Dark elves and the Dragonborns. His parents begged others to take him but they wouldn't. So they mistreated him and abused him until this barbarian slaughtered them and ran.. Don't fuck with Sparkles

Conan Hathaway
This broken Air Genasi is stuck in a time that his not his own. After a technological malfunction in the year 20XX, he became stuck in the same period as our valiant freaks. Deciding its in his best interest to remain with trustworthy individuals, the warlock tags along, but he is forever stuck in the wrong period

Erlen Curis
This Bubbly elf is a pure ball of unbreakable sunshine wrapped in a fucking sword. He is determined to remain level headed yet his childish nature may fuck him over in the long run. After running into our hero's in a bar, he joined the gang to raise the spirits.. Unfortunately he lacks the bardic inspiration and is simply a fighter

Saturn Galex
On a journey of self discovery, the party meet the.. Crackhead Cleric on the side of a trail. Drunk off his head and slightly confused, the Assimar decides he has nothing better to do and joins the group. What could go wrong when your healers fucking high

Abbi Tanglewood
Life fucking sucks when you're the only girl in the party. The half elf has seen all sides of the party, just don't get her started in her brother.. What a fucking drag. Her brother is actually a lovely guy but she's just a jealous little druid that feels weak when compared to her brother

Arlo Tanglewood
Compared to his hell hound of a sister, this Half-elf is a hippie dippie tree hugging baby boy. His time as a child was spent crying and studying... Mostly crying. But the studying he did lead him to be a powerful druid, regarded highly by all.

Ashton and Zavier Hellborn
Not much can split these hobgoblin hell spawns apart, trust me, we've tried everything. Yet they're inseparable, constantly lending the other a hand.. But towards others they are vicious, angry pomeranians on steroids. Nothing has successfully held these ranger twins back

So that's it for now until my boyfriend pumps out more art. All the art does belong to my boyfriend,

Cookiecat1000 on instagram

Peacock out~

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