Scenario 1 Part 1

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How the party reacts to an innocent death

Virgil Phir
Virgil looked at the innocent body shaking his head sadly "Alright, which one of you did it" he looks around that the mostly guilty party with a small frown, each of them avoiding eye contact. Virgil is unfazed

Lucky star
Lucky let out a demented chuckle and looked down at the body "hmm.. Cause of death; not me heh" he stepped away, kicking the body back with his heel. Lucky is a prick

Sparkles Elderflower
Sparkles lend against the hardwood table, far from the body as he groaned softly "I swear if these heathens get any blood on this banner I will personally execute them all" he growled, holding the banner of his hometown tight in his clawed hand. Sparkles is prioritising.

Conan Hathaway
Conan looked at the body and began taking blood samples and pieces of flesh for further experimentation. He then looked to the rest of the party, who all thought he was insane "Look dawg, I just needs this shiz, k?" Conan snapped at them, making them all flinch back except for Virgil. Conan is experimental

Erlen Curis
The elf whined and curled up in a ball and grumbled softly "I didn't mean to stab him.. He.. He just... Wahhhhh" he began crying softly as he hugged his knees. Erlen is EXTREMELY guilty

Saturn Galex
The crackhead looked down at the body then smiled "Aha! Perfect" he gave a crackhead smirk and shoved 2 sticks of incense up his nose and lit them "Blaze through the afterlife my brother" Saturn is still high

Abbi Tanglewood
The girl sighed and grumbled at the entire party "Idiots, all of you!" she huffed, treating the bodies wounds in an attempt to heal the stranger "fucking hell, boys" Abbi is resourceful

Arlo Tanglewood
Arlo smiled gently at his sister and leaned down next to her "Would you like me to aid you, Abbi?" He whispered softly, to which his sister glared evily at him. Arlo is a good boy

Ashton Hellborn
Ashton huffed and looked at the body "Ya know... I could use something to feed my beasts... How about I..." and with a snap of his fingers, his bear cub was ripping into the flesh of the poor stranger's corpse. Ashton is doctor dolittle

Zavuer Hellborn
Zavier groaned at his brother and kicked his leg gently "Leave some for us, Ashy... We haven't eaten in like... 3 hours!!" Zavier is hungry

Next chapter will be an introduction to a few new characters cause more have been made

Peacock out~

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