Trained for nothing?

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Noelles POV:He is so crazy just going without me to beat this bad guys i really wanted to go with him
Hmph what dorksta?
I just realized your Valkyrie dress suits you it looks so cool
*Noelle Blushes*
Hmph of course I look beautiful i am royalty and more beautiful than this nun you are so obsessed with *OH MY GOD HE THINKS THAT I AM BEAUTIFUL, YES FINALLY*
Asta:Oh i totally forgot about them.
Noelle:Hmph lets report to Captain-Yami he should be at Heart kingdom by Lolopechika-san

After they arrived

Asta:What the hell happened here where is all this smoke coming from
"Fly's with his sword to the smoke"
Everyone (Finral Mimosa Noelle):Hey wait ASTA!!!!!
Noelle:Hey we need help if I am right this could be the dark triad beacuse of this Incredible amount of unnatural mana

Asta:I sense captain yami,Princess Lolopechika and?!This can't be 3 people with strong demon magic and this one feels really related to me why?
Dante:Hahahahaha I am so dissapointed of you Yami sukehiro for an arcane stage mage and a captain I only needed 20% demon magic and look now at you, dead with a hole in your stomach hahahahaha you failure
Zenon:Oy I sense a demon related to mine
Vanika:Ohhh could it be?
Dante:Zenon,I and Vanika are going to spade kingdom again
Vanika:ehhh?! But now it becomes exciting
Dante:Come I opened the gate
Vanika:*sighs* fine then

Asta arrives there

Asta:What the hell happened here Captain Yami  Lolopechika-sama oy this is a joke right come on dont di- they already died?!
Zenon:Yo,you little failure of my demon
Asta:*With a angry voice* DID YOU DO THIS YOU PIECE OF SHIT
Zenon:For a failure you can hurt me quite well with words
Asta:Who are you and why do you have a similar KI like me you are one of the Triads right ?Nonsense I will anyways kill you BASTARD!
Zenon:I will teach you how to talk, oh and if you want to rage show me your true power anyway I also killed the one weak boy I think Yuno was his name he was a vice captain of the one shitty squad

*Asta's eyes turns red his hair black and some really dark aura is covering him the kingdom is shaking*

Zenon:How cute you are able to use 80% of your power while unconscousness, well come at me if you dare
*Asta staying in front of him*
*Zenon is suprised*
Demon Asta:You shall know the anger of Venze
*Asta swinging his sword to Zenon*
*Zenon teleporting away*
Zenon:Seems like i have to use 500% for you *but how is he so fast at only 80% it is like megicula-sama in slow*
*Asta loosing control and turning the place with a slash into a big hole*
Zenon:Unbelivable if he hits me with this i am dead better if I use 800% of my power
*Asta cutting Zenon in 2*
Zenon:*Impossible at 90% now, how can a useless human be strong like that
Zenon:I tell him why we are like soulmates maybe when he listens I can get the chance to kill him.
Zenon:YO shitty kid did you knew that I am supposed to use bone and anti-magic and your demon is a part of mine if I kill you i will get again the original, Venze the demon who is strong enough to kill Megicula-sama
Demon inside Asta:Hey little shit wake up if you dont wake up you can't be the wizard king ya know
Asta with a little bit consciousness:Wh- Who a- are y-you
*Asta gaining consciusness*
Asta:AAAAHHHHH!!! WHY AM I AGAIN HERE AM I DEAD?!Oh no its just you.
Astas demon:Idiot my name is Venze i will introduce you myself with my power
Asta:Venze huh weird name? What is this Zenon dude talking about?
Venze:You dont know anything about me but I will lend you the half of my power I am stronger than the Venze in him only if you lend me your body
Asta:What will happen with my body if you take the control over it
Venze:You will be dead and I am able to go to my world for 12 hours I need stuff from there
Asta:Ok but only if you can prove that you will do nothing bad with my body.
Asta:Venze lend me your power please

*Asta becoming black claws on his feet and hands becoming completely black hair,2 black wings and nearly completly black marks on his whole body*

Asta:Any last words?
Zenon:Oh oh am i supposed to be afraid of you because you look like a monster? DON'T THINK YOU ARE BETTER THAN ME BASTARD
Zenon:Just for yiu to know if a demon takes over control of a human body the Human will die, except Livings from the forbidden world and Living things without any magic will survive.
Zenon:How lucky you are bastard.Now come at m---  e *coughes blood* h-how c -c-an th-i-s be.
*Zenon's lower half of body falling to the bottom of the sea*
Zenon:BASTARD!!!UNHOLY BONE MAGIC:REGENERATION!Uhh that hurts I cant regenerate well because of the anti magic
Asta:Oh still alive?
Zenon:Unholy bone magic:Flying bone slasher   DIE!!!
Asta:I won't allow you to make any other people sad bastard
Zenon:Unholy bone magic:Bone Crusher!HAHAHAHA you can't escape from this I can crush your bones because I have touched you once.
Asta:Think again,Idiot!
Asta:So now it is my turn I think,
Forbidden Anti Magic:Soul crusher
*Asta cutting Zenons soul*
*Zenon in half falling onto the ground*
Zenon:I am d-d-ead f-r-om s--omeo-n-e l-l-ike him but I w-w-as Im-mor-t-tal.
Asta:At the end you still weren't a Immortal creature.
Venze: Asta take his grimoire!
*Back in the world with Venze*
Asta:Thanks for lending me your strenght.
Venze:Give me this grimoire I will take his power back so I will be strong enough to take down Megicula
Venze:*Saying something in demon language*
Asta:What the heck did you say?
Venze:Brat would you train in the demon world forbidden magic you can take 1 friend with you.
Asta:Why now and there we just finished 6 months of training.
Venze:You need control over at least 50000% of my power otherwise you will lose to Dante or any stronger enemy.
Asta:Sorry I need my time to think about everything
Venze:I'll give you 1 week for an answer
*Back in the real world*
Asta:Uhh I cant fly anymore.Huh?Am I falling?
*Noelle catching him and hugging his head to her chest*
Noelle: *falling tear* You are always so reckless, bakasta



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