Chapter 7: Lights, Camera, Action!

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A/N: Sorry this took so long! I had something going on... It's called getting obsessed with Hamilton lol.

Marinette felt the weightless feeling of hanging upside for just a second before the roller-coaster sped forward once more. She let out a scream and gripped the handlebars tighter as they twisted around a corkscrew in the track. She shot a look to Chloe beside her, who had her eyes squeezed shut but a smile on her face. 

The car slowed to a stop before moving forward slowly and then coming to another stop. That was when the cheers rose up. The rest of Ms Bustier's class just rolled their eyes, but Marinette's friends were the complete opposite. 

As the shoulder-restraints lifted, Alix put her hat back on while Chloe took out the hair tie holding her long hair back and shook it out, chattering the whole time. Marinette kissed Damian the second after the ride ended. He ran his fingers through her windblown hair with a smile. Kim and Jon were laughing and taking an impromptu photo shoot of Nathaniel's own windblown hair. 

Alya and the others were crowded around Lila as the girl claimed a headache and dizziness from the bright lights of the ride. 

When the group saw the scene, they just scoffed and went back to browsing through the store. Marinette had found a cute tank-top with the words "Rockin' Rollercoaster" written across the middle, above a red guitar. She went to put it back, saying she didn't need it, but Damian insisted. 

Marinette couldn't help but kiss the proud little look on his face. 


(The next scene was requested by my little brother lmao)

With a scream, Damian grabbed Marinette's hand tightly. The elevator plunged downward, speeding up before slowing down. They were immediately shot back up. Marinette squeezed his hand back. Out of their little group, Chloe and Jon seemed to be the only ones genuinely enjoying the ride. 

The rest of them continued their terrified screams.

"THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!" Damian yelled as the elevator dropped once again.

Marinette responded quickly without thinking. "YUP. YES. DEFINITELY. 100 PERCENT."

Alix, Kim and Nathaniel agreed loudly too. For one breathless second, the elevator hung in the air as the doors slid open, showcasing the whole park. Moments later they dropped again, leaving the lonely 'Hollywood Tower Hotel' lights to flicker.


Marinette happily let herself get smothered by Sulley's thick blue purple-spotted fur as the rest of her friends crowded her into a group hug with the two monsters. She heard the clicks of the photographer's camera getting pictures of the group. 

After they pulled back, Alix ranted rapidly and excitedly in French as Mike Wasowski looked at her in confusion. Obviously not a French monster, then. Kim nudged her and shushed her before going into a rant of his own, still not in English. Jon snorted in amusement. 

"While this is adorable, we have a few incredibly rude classmates of yours waiting."

Kim immediately clammed up, blushing horribly at Jon calling him adorable. With a sigh, Chloe - being Chloe - positioned them all where she wanted them before allowing the picture to be taken. 

Damian's arm was thrown over Marinette's shoulder, and the two were shoved next to Sulley. Alix was put on the other side of the big blue monster, while Jon and Kim were shoved close together next to Mike. Chloe dragged Nathaniel to Mike's other side, where she preceded to give the redhead bunny ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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