Carl's first Valentine's day with Negan

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Today was Valentine's day and it was Carl's first time ever doing the event. Hell, it was everyone's first time since the world went to hell. He was told you do stuff with the one you love or like. You give them gifts or do sexual stuff. Carl made some cookies and made a heart-shaped card for Negan since he liked him after all and wanted to give him these gifts. He knew his father's where doing something for today as well but they wanted to be alone and he didn't wish to bug them, they even got Meg to watch Judith while they went off and did stuff. Which he had a deep feeling he knew what that was. The thought made him cringe. He packed a bag since he was going to spend the day with Negan.

He left his house and walked down the street only to be stopped by Ron. "Hey Carl, can we hang out for a bit before you leave?" He asked giving the other teen a puppy face.

"I really do need to go, if I take too long the saviors will come here with a truck," Carl told the other teen.

"Wouldn't that be a good thing? You wouldn't have to walk." Ron cocked his head to the side with a small smile.

"Point taken." He nods and follows Ron to the small park that was made.

The teens sat down on a bench together. "Hey, Carl I made you something." Ron pulled out a card and sweet bread. " I made it myself."

"Oh, it looks good." Carl took the bread and took a big bite into it and started to chew. "Oh wow, this is really good." He nodded to the other teen. "You should make more of these."

"Sure I'll make them for you as much as you like." He blushed as he moved closer to the other teen. He loved Carl so much, he wanted to tell him so badly and wanted to be with him and he hated that Carl was always around Negan.

"Oh, they are here." Carl stood up and finishes his bread. "I'll see you tomorrow Ron."

Ron frowned sadly as he watched the one he loved to go off with Negan's men for the night. He got up and sighed as he went home to sulk.

Carl got into the truck which Dwight was driving. He nodded to the teen then drove back to the Sanctuary. Carl looked out the window as they drove.

"Hey, Carl why are you so into Negan?" Dwight asked while driving.

"I don't know my reason, I just do I never understood it myself." He sighed as he looked over at Dwight. "I hated myself for it and I guess I still kind of do maybe I guess..."

"I see, I don't get that at all, but okay. You teens are so confusing." He replied and looked over at him then back at the road. "Have you always been into men?"

"I told myself when I was younger I would be with a girl, not a guy, I always said to myself I would never be like my father is with Daryl."

"I see... I've never been with a man but I sometimes think of Simon in such away sometimes. Pretty gross huh?" Dwight said to the teen and wished he took it back.

"I don't think so. Like who you wish. Or just try him out to see if you're really into men." Carl shrugged at him.

"I guess..." He sighed as he pulled into the sanctuary and parked the truck. Dwight and Carl got out of the truck and went inside. Dwight went off to go and see Sherry and spend some time with her.

Carl made his way to Negan's room. "Hey." He said as he entered the room just in time to see Negan changing his shirt.

Negan turned around as he put on a clean shirt on. "Oh baby boy, you're here." He smiled as he walked over to the teen and gave him a hug. "Happy Valentine's day." He walked over to the table and picked up a small box and passed it to the teen.

Happy Valentine's day (Carl X Negan) & (Rick x Daryl)Where stories live. Discover now