|01| - Pilot

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(A/N: This story can get pretty graphic, keep in mind that it's about zombies. Also pay VERY close attention, you'll need it for future chapters.)

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Southern California - October 15, 2020 》

"I've got zombitus," I mutter. My new cell-phone felt warm and heavy in my hand. I originally wanted one for my sixteenth birthday, but that won't be until next year. So getting this gift early was great, except for the fact that it was a pity present. Mom felt sorry for me, and wanted to get me something "nice."

I sighed, leaning back onto my pillows and told Chiara, "It's a virus .."

"That's impossible," she replied. "I've never heard of zombie-i-tus? I just thought you had the flu or something."

"So did I!" I exclaimed. "But it's not the flu at all. Mom and Dad took me to this 'special' doctor. She did a bunch of tests and they all came back positive."

"No way .." She mumbled. "Hang on, I'm Googling it." I could hear the clicking of her keyboard. "Ha! See, no such thing as zombie-i-tus."

"Try again." I said. "It's not called zombieeeetus. It's just plain zombitus. As in, bite us." I rub my hand over my face trying to clear my mind from this nightmare.

"Oh," she said re-googling it. "I see it now." There was a long pause on the line, I assume she's looking through the disease description. I had already looked at every zombitus website known to man.

"Bummer." She pauses. "Says here that head wounds don't heal. And the part that your skin might decay and fall off, that's bad too."

"I know, it's disgusting. And it doesn't help the fact that it's super-contagious, the virus is going around. They say if you catch it, you have to be sent away to this bording school. Dr. Shelly said I was lucky we have one only a few hours away .." I let my voice trail off. "Real lucky, I guess."

"I guess," she echoed.

"Also, Danny said that doctors at the school are looking for the cure anyways .."

My seventeen-year old brother was completely monster obsessed. When the pediatrician said I needed to see a specialist, Danny was the one who suggested that I see Dr. Shelly because she was both a doctor and the author of his favorite book: The A-Z Monster Encyclopedia.

"Danny would know," Chiara agreed. "I bet he's seen every scary movie ever made." The was a long pause before she asked, "Is there a cure?"

"Not yet." I said. I pull a pillow over my head and groan, "Uhhhh-uhhhh .." I hated making that sound! But I couldent help it. Stupid virus.

"But they said that at ZBS-Academy, the doctors are looking for a cure."

"Can I at least call you there?" She asked.

"Call, e-mail, or write letters." I say, hopefully we get to talk to each other daily. Doubt I'd have any friends at my new school anyways .."

There was another long pause on the end, along with a ding.

"Oh, Mom's taking me to theater, I'll talk to you soon Wint',"

"Hopefully," I say pressing the end-call. Chiara was in Theater. I wasn't much into it, I played soccer instead.

I walk over to my bathroom and put my hair in a low ponytail, my hair was dark brunette and always straight. Chiara's hair was long, blond, and much easier to take care of.

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