Part 10

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Time skip
Kakashi POV

When we got to the grave yard we  walked to the end to a huge stone in the shape of a flame I picked him up and smiled "this is it" I said looking at him as he stared up in amazement "isn't this the fourth hokage's" *minato sensei I know you didn't want him to know till he was older but he's so happy* I nodded "yes it is but naruto you have to promise you won't tell anyone the fourth is you dad or you'll be in big danger" I warned he nodded slowly then looked back up at the stone an anbu member appears in front of me "kakashi lord hokage wants to speak with you" I nodded "thank you I'll be on my way" the anbu Took off on my way to the hokage's office I stoped naruto off at iruka's

Time skip

"You already know that the academy graduation is coming up and you going to be one of the instructors" "uh yes lord hokage" "you will be assigned a team in a week or so" I bowed "use what ever method you wish to see if there going to be Genin or go back to the academy"

When we were done talking I left his office

Time skip

Team after team kakashi failed each one sending them back to the academy "why did you fail them this time" iruka asked I crossed my arms "none of them new team work or abandoned there team mates" "kakashi you cant keep" "you think I'm to hard on them" kakashi huffed before turning to leave "kakashi wait" iruka called "ya" "naruto's one of my students but don't expect me to go easy on him" iruka spoke "I'd hope not iruka" kakashi said before leaving iruka stood there for a little bit before moving to sit on the bench beside him

Naruto was causing trouble in town and being Chavez by leaf jounin kakashi was watching from one of the roofs

Naruto pov

I was running with a can of paint in my hand and a brush in the other "your to slow you can't catch me" I called "naruto get back here now" the yelled after me I hid as they lost were I was I put the cans down and came out of his wing after they left "ha they lost me" I said happily "NARUTO" a familiar voice yelled behind me my body fenced up as I turned around to see kakashi "uh hey it not w" I was interrupted by his harshly grabbing my wrist " hey that hurt" I whined as he started walking towards our house "let go" I whined more he wasn't saying anything he just tugged at my hand more when we got home he pushed me inside and shut the door behind us I rubbed my wrist *why is he so mean* "YOU CANT KEEP DOING THIS CRAP" he yelled I looked at the ground not saying anything "HOW MANY TIMES ARE WE GOING TO GO THROUGH THIS" we both went silent "go to your room" he finaly said but in a calm voice "but I don't" "don't make me repeat my self" he growled and walked past me into the kitchen to start making super "I HATE YOU" I yelled and ran up the stairs I slammed my door behind me and got on to my bed *kakashi never yelled at me before* I pulled my knees close to my chest

Time skip
Kakashi POV

*im sorry minato but I don't know what do do with him anymore I no I shouldn't have yelled at him but we've had that talk so many times and he keeps doing it* i stirred the food on the stove I felt someone's arms wrap around me I looked down to see glowing arms I turned around to see Minato my eyes widened " uh Minato" he put his hand on my cheek "I'm sorry kakashi and I know your trying your best he has you and well when tenzo's ever around anymore but he doesn't know how do deal with the others hate and fear towards him" minato said I sighed "I know and I shouldn't have" minato pulled me into a hug "I know your frustrated kakashi" I hugged him back "kakashi" I small sad voice said minato pulled away to reveal naruto I looked at minato then crouched down in front of naruto and grabbed his small hands gently "I'm sorry about today" he sniffed I pulled him into a hug "I didn't mean to hurt you naruto I'm sorry for yelling" I apologized minato crouched beside me naruto and I both looked up naruto's eyes grew wide "d dad" "hey bud" minato replied ruffling up his hair his this hand "I thought you were" "well yes I am but there was some tension between you and kakashi so I used some energy to try and help out" naruto gave him a big hug "I can't stay long so I should be going" he said giving naruto another big hug minato put his hand on my cheek and placed a soft kiss on my forehead as he started to fade naruto and I stayed silent for a little bit until I stud up "I have to Finnish marking super is there something you want to drink" I asked. Him "no thanks" narut said then climbed onto one of the chairs "is tenzo coming home tonight" I turned to naruto and leaned on the counter "I don't know" "I know he's been home but we never see him" "tenzo is just vary Busy"

After naruto and I ate I put him to bed I started cleaning up the kitchen and Putin's the rest of the food together for tenzo I sighed and went to my room I got undressed and had a shower when I was downe I brushed my hair then got into bed

Time skip

I woke up early to tenzo getting out of bed I shifted so I could see him getting dressed I sat up "hey ten" I said "oh hey sorry kakashi I didn't mean to wake you up" "I know your busy but naruto really misses you" he nodded before kissing me on the cheek and leaving the room

Time skip

I was walking to the class room were my team was waiting I sighed when I saw naruto the blackboard eraser in the door when I opend the door I purposely got hit by the eraser naruto started laughing "I got you sensei" he called still laughing "I'm sorry sensei I told him not to do it" a female genin with pink hair said her hands by her face the member from the Uchiha clan was sitting with his hands up to his face his cold eyes looking at them "my first. Impression if you guys" I started the three off them turning to look at me "your a bunch of idiots" I calmly told them naruto hunched Over the pink hairs girl Sighing the uchiha looked annoyed

When we got to we're I wanted to talk I leaned against the railing behind me the three genin sitting on the steps "okay I want you guys to tell me your name dreams for the future dislikes hobbies and likes" the three of them looked at me "why don't you go first sensei" naruto mumbled "okay my name is kakashi hatake"

Time skip

After the introductions were out of the way and I told them were to meat me we all went separate ways after the exercise I told them they failed sasuke charged at me and I took him down quickly and put a kunhi to this throught as I held him to the ground I told Sakura to kill naruto or sasuke was going to die she was hesitating I pulled the kunhi away from sasuke and backed away "I'll give you three hours to get a bell eat so you have the energy but naruto gets none" I growled before leaving I watched them from a distance and smiled when Sakura and sasuke broke the rule I ended up passing them

Time skip

"I see what you meant by they laced team work kakashi at first they did to" iruka said walking with naruto and I he ruffled naruto's hair "failing 8 teams before and finaly passing one" naruto looked up at me with wide eyes "were the only team you" naruto gasped "yeah"

Minato x kakashi x yamato (tenzo)Where stories live. Discover now