Chapter 16

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German's POV:

Time is going too fast and Angie's birthday is on tomorrow and tonight everyone is here for dinner.

I've been sitting in my office, thinking when heard Vilu, Angie and Michael arriving back home and while the girls went upstairs he came to my office and sat down in front of me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

- You don't seem like progressing, German.... - he said sternly.

- Just wait until tomorrow...

- Tomorrow is her birthday.

- Yes, that's right. So please... would you let me do what I planned for her?

- Sure... And good luck for that!

- Thank you.

Michael just nodded then walked out.

Now it's my time to show my love... Or I'm gonna lose her forever.

Mustafa's POV:

Sahib called me to him just a moment ago so I left Angie and Violetta alone.

- What is it? - I asked him.

- German is planning something for Angie tomorrow. I think he really does try his best to make her forgive him... - he replied, looking a bit frustrated.

- Then let him do it - I said.

- But didn't you say you love her?

- I did say that, but I can see how much Angie loves him... And I want to see her happy.

- But what if he can't make her happy?

- Then of course I'll do my best to make her happy again... But we need to give German a chance to prove himself.

- As you wish... - Sahib muttered, looking at me confused, but what was I supposed to say? I love Angie of course, but I want to see her happy and if she's happy with German then I'll let her, but if not then I'm taking her with me back to the palace.

She told me earlier today that she's pregnant and I'd happily raise her child as my own, if things won't work out with German, but we'll see.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Angie's POV:

The next morning I went downstairs to make some breakfast sinceOlga is out for today, but when I went to the dining room I saw a complete breakfast is on the table with some of my favorite flowers and I looked around, confused since no one's actually near... But who made this then?

And as I was thinking suddenly German appeared out of nowhere.

- Good morning, beautiful - he said.

- Did you do this? - I asked, shocked.

- Yes, I did - he replied - And this is not all... If you're willing to spend this day with me I can show you everything I've planned for you...

I hesitated answering now. I wasn't sure if I can trust him and I didn't want to cry again, but when I looked into his big, brown eyes I just couldn't say no.

- Alright... - I sighed - But don't mess this up again!

- I won't, I promise! - he said excitedly - Now... How about we eat the food and we're going out after that?

- Okay... But...

- But...?

- Tell me what are you planning!

- Nope - he shaked his head - You'll see it soon!

- Come on... You know I have surprises!

- Bear it for me, okay - he smiled and kissed my hand.

- Okay... - I groaned and blushed slightly.

German's POV:

She seems excited and curious which is good. But will she like my surprise? I hope she will because this is my only chance to get her back... or to loose her forever...

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