Chapter 1: The rescue

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3rd person POV:

In Ebott city you must respect all top dogs. Ren, he is someone you don't want to meet. He has loads of weapons like he's in a war, money in tubs and slaves of all kinds. His brother Bear sells drugs, kills animals especially for the fluffy fur on them and people. Bear is a man with lots of friends who respect, follow and learn from him, he is the second wealthiest person in the city. Ace is a low rank dog, he has gadgets, machines and labs, some top dogs respect Ace because of his sister Ruby.
Y/N is the fourth wealthiest person in the country, she has a voice like an angel and is the most beautiful woman in the country. Ruby is the top dog in the city everyone respects her because she can be scary.

Y/N has being watching the dark web, criminals, the police and people who are on the top of the food chain. Suddenly bitty monsters have been freed from mount Ebott. At first everyone was scared, but as the bitty monsters have been around for some time, people started wanting them as pets but there weren't enough for everyone. So the humans captured all monsters and cloned them, making more. In result the monsters were put in cages, with painful torture, physical and emotional abuse.

In Y/N house, Y/N sat in her     office on her desk going through papers, she has papers everywhere in her office.

'Ding' the laptop went off showing Y/N a message. It wrote that some bitty's are going to be shipped off to another country over sea's.
Y/N got ready for this risky mission, she has never been able to help the monsters since they've been freed from the mountain, because all the bitty's have been put in a building that used to be a prison. Y/N could never be able to stay in that building for at least half an hour, she would always be caught but not captured, It was always luck that she would escape.     Y/N left her mansion to save the bitties.

(Time skip at night)

By the docks a cargo ship waited and Y/N got in place in enough meters away to be hidden/concealed in a building. A truck came to the docks and parked. The truck turned off their lights, 2 people in the truck started pulling out large boxes. One of the men dropped a box with a thump. Y/N put her hand in a fist, she winched in pain knowing how that would felt since that has happened to her in the past.

(Minutes later)

The men unloaded 4 boxes by a crane. Y/N was going to strike and get the 4 boxes, but she notice another truck pulling up. Her instincts kicked in telling her to wait, the men came out of the truck leaving the lights on, they opened the back doors but then waved to the other group. 3 people that was in some containers came out by the ship, 3 more people also came out from under the building where I'm hiding


'That was close' I thought. I watched the whole group come together then 3 men started walking off the cargo ship with suitcases, they talked to the group making a deal. Suddenly the sound of gunshots echoed around the cargo ship, 7 men shot everyone, but the men from the ship, the men walked away with a grin on their faces. I was outraged, I put together my rifle which could fire 1.5 miles away and I have great aim. I put 3 bullets in my rifle, reload, then looked in the telescopic sight. I pointed toward the 3 guys with a grin still on their faces, I fired, the bullet hitting all three heads, their bodies fell on the ground. They didn't have time to react, it was an instant death. Someone started yelling on the ship and all the guns began to quiet down. I reloaded my gun, the sound of the bullet case hit the floor with a ting, that sound always gives me goosebumps and it makes my hair stand on end. I moved the rifle towards the guy who is yelling at his allies, but since he is talking infront of one of his men I thought I will be able to get them both. I fired hitting both heads, the 5 men all ducked down hiding under the rail by the edge of the water. Minutes later I saw a head poke out from the top of a container. I pointed my rifle towards him. I fired across the dark blue waters I put three more bullets in. I stood up jumped out from the building landing on my feet, my rifle in hand and the rifle bag on my back, I walked towards the ship, while walking I cocked my gun, I heard the bullet case hit the floor with a ting. A head poked out from under the rail by the edge of the water

Stranger: "There!"

He shouted. I pointed my rifle towards him while kneeled down, then looked in the telescopic sight, I fired at his head, his body fell backwards landing on the ship's deck with a thump. I heard foot steps move closer to the gang plank where you walk off the ship. I gripped tightly to the rifle and ran at the cargo ship. With my speed and strength, I could run with my rifle like it was an extension of my arm. I ran across the warf and jumped by the ship, I gripped the rail and jumped over. I knelt down and aimed my rifle at the men. They are holding a gun each and crouched by the rail, moving forward not noticing me, as I was behind them, I fired and all the men fell forward on the deck. Thump, thump, thump. I stood up and looked around. In my head I calculated what I needed. I couched down, putting the rifle bag on the deck, I unzipped it then pulled apart the rifle, gently putting it in the bag. I zipped the bag up putting it on my back, I stood up grabbed the rail with one hand then jumped over the rail onto the warf.


I went towards the three men with the suitcases and opened them. There were 100's of dollars inside, I checked if they were real

Y/N: "They're real. Sheesh"

I held all the bags and carried them to the truck. I placed them in the passengerseat

Y/N: "Suitcases. Check, no one, trying to kill me. Check, I have a vehicle. Check and the bitty's"

I looked to the crane where the boxes were placed

Y/N: *Sigh* "Hope they're alright"

I placed my rifle bag with the money then did a Stretch, I breathed in then out having deep breaths each time. I closed my passenger door then walked towards the crane, I picked up one box at a time, not wanting to scare the bitty's, I made sure to balance the box while walking to the truck. I poked my head in the back of the truck 'Empty' I thought, I gently place the box down by the door, I climbed in then picked up the box again, I walked to the end of the room and gently place the box on the floor. The box was very light but I sence life in this box. I did that cycle three more times

Y/N: "Ok done"

I jumped out of the trunk, landing on the ground. I checked the other truck, I turned off their lights then went around the back opening the doors. I poked my head in the truck and saw boxes. I climb in and had a look around, the room had only the boxes I sighed heavy, I didn't know I was hold my breath until I checked the truck to find no one here. ' . . 4 boxes' I thought

Y/N: *Sigh* "Ok"

I picked up a box being gentle as I lift it up. I made sure that the box was balanced, I carried it into the end of the truck. I gently placed the box down by the doors. I jumped out of the truck landing on the ground, I turned and lifted the box that was still in the truck. I walked towards the other truck and placed it in the back, by the doors. I climbed in then lifted the box and moved it by the other boxes. I did that cycle three more times, in the end I roped all the boxes together then closed the doors

Y/N: *Sigh* "Done, they are safe"

I climbed in the truck and turned the key starting the engine. I speedy drove away far from the docks, I made sure while turning a corner it wasn't sharp to make the bitty's hurt themselves in the boxes. I came to my mansion, I parked the truck infront of my door step, I left on the engine while I was out of the truck. I went around the back and opened the trunk's doors, undid the ropes then I brought out all the boxes. I brought the boxes in the house one by one one a slow, gentle and balanced way

(Knock Knock)

I had a look who is by the front door

Bear: "Hey yea love"

Y/N: "Bear, right on time as always"

Bear looked behind me

Bear: "You've been busy"

I noded. I gave him a hug

Y/N: "Thanks for taking care of the truck's and camera's for me"

Bear: "Don't mention it"

I nodded. He left giving me a hug, taking the truck and a bag of money. I got a crowbar and opened the first box. I look in and

Y/N: *gasp* "Oh no"

It was. . . . . . .

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