Chapter 2: Secrets

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I got a crowbar and opened the first box. I look in and

Y/N: *gasp* Oh no

It was dust. All the bitties in the box died, I couldn't tell what kind of bitties were they, I looked up, looking at all the other boxes. In a couple of boxes I could feel life, but in some, it was dark, cold and lifeless. I lifted the opened box filled with dust, and moved it in my basement. The basement had a magical barrier that keeps anyone in the room from escaping and everyone out of the room from entering, only I could access it. I went back in the room where I put the boxes, I opened another box with the crowbar, in this was one of the boxes I could feel nothing but, dark, cold and emptiness. With the crowbar I opened all the boxes that didn't feel like no life was in there. I opened 5 boxes with dust inside and moved them in the basement. I went back in the room to see 3 boxes left, in these boxes I felt life but it was feeling like it was fading, I used the crowbar and opened a box. I heard whimping inside, I looked in and saw eyes watching me, '1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 5 skeleton bitties in this box' I thought, I saw all 5 bitties wear collars around their neck, 'I need to remove them', I thought. I stretched my arms out in the box and picked up a bitty, this bitty looked in pain, he had a crack on his head, the bitty is shaking in my hands it was whimping, inside the box I could hear whimpering and sniffling

Y/N: *Sigh*

I gently placed him in the warm blanket, I stroke his head going around the cracks and gave him a smile, I don't think he noticed it since he didn't look at me. I went back to the box and reached out my arms, I picked up another bitty. This bitty was shaking and whimpering, his clothes looked red and he had a yellow tooth, my hands started feeling wet, the bitty was crying in my hands. I placed him down gently in the warm blanket with the bitty that has a cracked head, I wiped his tears with the blanket and gently stroked his head giving him a smile, he noticed it but didn't return one back to me. I went back to the box and reached my arms out, I picked up a bitty with stars on his clothes, he cried as soon as I picked him up, I gently placed him in the warm blanket with the 2 bitties, I stroke his head giving him a smile, he didn't notice my smile but the other two bitties did. I went back to the box and reached out my arms, I picked up another bitty. This bitty has baggy pants and a baggy Jersey, he is crying and shaking in my hands, I gently place him in the warm blanket with the 3 bitties, I stroke his head and gave him a smile, he noticed it but didn't return one back to me. I went back to the box and reached out my arms, I picked up the last bitty from in the box. This bitty has a fancy hat and tie, he didn't whimper, cry or look at me, it's like all his hope is gone, I gently placed him down in the warm blanket with all the other bitties from the box, I stroked his head and gave him a smile, he still didn't looked at me. I grabbed the crowbar

Mafia: NOOO! please don't hurt me *sobbing*

Y/N: *Sigh* calm down, I'm only opening the next box ok

The bitty didn't hear me and keeped whining, the other bitties in the warm blanket started whining, crying and shaking

Y/N: no one said this is going to be easy

I moved to the next box and opened it, I saw the bitties in the corner of the box shaking and whimpering '1. . 2. . 3 skeleton bitties in this box' I thought. I reach my arms out in the box and picked up a bitty

Papyrus: N-NOO

He whispered, this bitty wore a red scarf with red mittens and red boots. I gently placed him down in the warm blanket with all the other 5 bitties. He ran away from me behind the other bitties in the blanket, I was going to stroke his head but, 2 bitties yelled at me. It was the one with stars one his clothes and the other had red clothes with a yellow tooth

Outer and Red: Don't touch him!!

They were shaking trying to act brave

Y/N: Ok

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