hold me down | arin x danny

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Dan stood in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror.

He wasn't going to lie, he thought he looked hot as hell.

He had Suzy straighten his hair earlier that night, so his hair fell perfectly flat across his face, lining his cheekbones and down to his shoulders. He was wearing nothing but skinny jeans - the tightest he owned - that fit his hips loosely. Sometimes he hates being so skinny.

With a final sigh, Dan unbuttoned his jeans and made sure they were as open as possible, revealing the small trail of hair that lead down to his groin.

"Dan!" he heard Arin yell from the grump room outside of the bathroom. "Where are youuuu? I'm getting bored!"

He had made sure to sit Arin down and tell him to wait earlier - throwing all of his hair into a beanie so that Arin wouldn't suspect anything.

"One minute!" Dan yelled back, flipping his bangs to the side and running his hand through the rest of his hair.

He exhaled and closed his eyes, a small smile playing on the corner of his lips.

'Arin is going to fucking love this,' he thought before unlocked the bathroom door and slowly making his way outside.

He walked behind arin quietly, extending his arms before slowly wrapping them around the clueless boy from behind.

"Jesus! You scared me." Arin squealed, turning his head to look at his boyfriend.

"No, no, no." Danny said, turning Arin's head back around. "I need to put on music before you can see me..." he whispered, leaning in and nibbling on Arin's earlobe.

"O-oh." Arin was most likely getting the idea now, and Dan smiled, unwrapping himself from Arin and walking over to the stereo that sat on one of the cabinets in the back of the room.

He pressed the play button on the stereo and the room filled with the sounds of one of Dan's new favourite discoveries; Halsey.

"Hold Me Down" filled the once silent air, and Dan smiled, swaying his hips to the music gently as he walked into Arin's view.

He made eye contact with the obviously confused boy and he almost broke out laughing at his face.

Arin was sitting there, in the small table chair, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide.

Dan smirked and started dancing slowly to the opening of the song, singing along loudly and trying to be as seductive as possible.

His hands roamed all of his torso, gripping and scratching softly as some parts.

The bridge of the song started and Dan bit his lip in exitement, walking towards Arin slowly, moving his hips as he did so.

"And he told me I was holy..."

He stood in front of Arin, his lip still between his teeth and his hands on Arin's thighs.

"He's got me down on both knees," Dan whispered this part, his mouth close to Arin's ear and his hands moving up and down his thighs, lightly ghosting over his groin.

Dan stood up completely straight, looking down at Arin before winking and continuing to sing.

"But it's the devil that's trying to hold me down,"

Dan fell to his knees, his eyes falling shut and his hands roaming the entirety of his own chest as he grinded up and down on the floor.

"J-jesus fucking christ..." he heard Arin mutter under his breath and he smiled.

hold me down | arin x dannyWhere stories live. Discover now