art class.

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You're in art class, and it's your last period of the day.

The teacher announces that the class has a new student, suddenly surprised when he walks in.

"Class, I would like you to meet Mr. Matthew Espinosa. I would like you to please sit next to (y/n)"

Wait, isn't he a viner. Oh my god. It is Mathew freaking Espinosa. He is sitting right next to me. Calm down, calm down.

"Hi, I'm Matthew."

"Hi, I'm (y/n)

Well, this is kinda awkward. I can't fangirl on him, he'll want to move his seat and he will be creeped out..

"So Matthew, do you like to draw?"

"I mean, I can't brag but I am a pretty good artist."

So he's good at drawing, I can't wait to find out.

"Class, our assignment today is to pick one of the fruit in the bowl in front you and draw it."

Matthew chooses an orange, and I choose an apple.

*45 minutes later*

I finished my apple, and may I say that it looks like the best one I've done so far. I look at matt's, and it looks like a completely deformed orange.

"Matt! That looks like a red tomato! haha."

"Well giiirrrll, sorry that we can't be awesome artists like you! And in my opinion, my orange looks awesome" *attempts girly hair flip*

*bells rings*

"Well, I guess I will see you next class! Bye (y/n)!"

"I guess so, bye Matt!"

Authors note!
I'm sorry if this isn't good! I just looked at a few, and thought of ideas. I hope you like it! 5 votes for a new imagine? Well I guess we will have to see!!
-Jodi Lee

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