The endless story love time

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~Your eyes is so dark
and also your soul

But if i look very carefully
i see it's made from gold

The thoughts of you
make me eyes full of tears

Because the thinking
about you always involve a little bit fear

And i really don't want to loose you my dear

Because you make my nightmares so real

Every time i'm around i
feel joy

And when i'm with you i
feel like loosing control

My hands want to hug you tightly and my mouth want to kiss you so badly

Honey i can't stop hearing voices in my head saying forget everything and do
what you really care

I love you it is 3 wards that is so hard to say yoy make me feel like another cliché

you look so perfect
i feel so dumb

I'm about to explode
i feel like a little bump
i should have say it before
and i feel so alone

I see you smile
i don't care at all

i'm happy you happy
cause you deserve Happiness and joy

When i see you me heart
beat is fast
my eyes have more light
you make me feel alright

your eyes i look at them
and they look at mine
i look inside i see a storm you see a fight .

You fall in love
now you feel what i feel
all this endless time .

It was like hell
now it's a dream
we fall in love
like a bloodstream

We flash away in our love
and your Passion was like
something from above

Now you reading that
i hope your smile

I looking at you while darkness is die

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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