Wattpad X Discord

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It was a nice chilly day and as usual all the apps were doing what they do. The buisness apps working, porn sites making their video's, gaming apps playing the latest new games.

But wattpad was just at a nice bench that was shaded by a tree next to it. He goes there when he wants to write with some peace and quiet. He was sitting down at the bench with a few books, one for fluff, lime, and lemon. He was currently looking in his lemon book reading some old lemon stories he wrote before. "Ugh these are so weak sauce..hmmm..." He thought for a minute and got his pencil turning to an empty page.

"Alright let's see..." He started writing out the beginning of how his lemon will begin. As he starts getting into the naughty details of his story he starts to think about discord. A blush spreads across his face and he quickly stops writing covering his face with his sweater "D-Damn it this always happens when I write a lemon.." He quietly complained to himself. He started thinking about him and discord doing...well the lemon he is starting to write. Him and Discord have been friends for awhile and wattpad had gained feelings for him for awhile now. He feels a bit ashamed but..he wrote a lemon about him and discord a few days ago. He often rereads that page when he's bored or thinking of discord again-

While he was being a blushful idiot he didn't notice that discord came up behind him "Hey watt!" He said in his normal cheerful tone. "AHH!!-" He quickly slammed his lemon book shut "O-Oh!- um h-hi there discord" he said still blushing but he was trying to act casual. "Its been awhile since we've talked huh?" He sat down beside wattpad, giving him a friendly look "so what brings you here?" Discord asked "oh I'm just trying to find inspiration out here. I've been lacking recently on what to write.." He said and pushed the lemon book aside with the lime and fluff books.

Discord noticed the books and got curios "wait your writing about like objects? Fluffy one's? And you write about lemons????" Discord asked while being confused since he has never seen those books before. "U-Um well- it's kinda hard to explain-" he said getting even more red, kinda keeping the books close to him "can I read one?" He asked while looking at wattpad in the eye's. At this point wattpad started to panic because he has only shown this to three other apps who he was most close with, but showing them to discord? He is scared discord will judge him and not wanna be friends anymore. "W-Well um...depends...w-which one?" He asked very nervously.

"Why not the lemon?" He said with a smile. "..." He let out a sigh "If I do...just...please don't judge me.." He said sliding the lemon book over to discord, looking ashamed and embarrassed. "Why would I ever judge you? I love all your books!" He says and picked up the lemon book, opening it. It was quiet for a good 3 minutes. Wattpad started to worry "S-So..what do you t-think?" He asked, looking up at discord with a nervous smile on watts face. He saw a blush on discords face while reading some of the new lemons he wrote about "O-Oh wow...this is-...um.." Discord didn't know what to say, but he didn't hate what he was reading. He actually kinda liked it. Wattpad quickly swiped the book away from discord, closing it and looking down looking as if he was gonna get teary.

"I-I'm sorry!!! I'm so ashamed of myself f-for writing these things!-" he said thinking that discord is gonna hate him "w-what? No no! Don't be ashamed! I love what you wrote! Honest!" He says scooting close to wattpad giving him a comforting hug "I'll never hate or judge you for what you write wattpad.." He said in a comforting tone while gently rubbing wattpads back. Wattpad sniffles and looked up at discord "r-really?..." He had very small tears in his eyes but still had a blush on his face "I won't judge you ever for writing something like that watty! The detail and everything is awesome!" He said, pulling away from the hug, giving wattpad a gentle smile.

Wattpad felt his heart rate go fast and felt really happy that discord took this really well. Discord wipes away wattpads tears "please don't ever think I'll not like what you write..your one of the best writers I know" he says. Wattpad blushes "T-Thank you.." Wattpad then let out a sigh and stood up from the bench "I should go back to the library to see if there are new reader's" discord nodded and got up. "Oh but one more thing" discord said and leaned down giving wattpad a kiss on the cheek "I think its cute that you write a lemon about me and you~" Wattpads face immediately went red and he looked surprised that discord was able to find that page "W-Wait wh!-" "Bye!~" he smiles and walked away, waving bye to wattpad, leaving him there being a blushing shocked mess.

This turned out okay- sorry if it isn't that well thought out ^^

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